Tuesday, April 30, 2019

4.30.19 Sick Piggies

The little piggies were doing ok, or so I thought. Maybe out of sight out of mind might be more accurate. A few weeks ago one got taken in for surgery as it's rectum had prolapsed. We are not well acquainted with the vet she was able to fix the problem and we brought home a more expensive little pig. That pig seemed ok from then on. 
However, one morning Mark came in and announced a pig was dead. Thank goodness it was a different one, but discouraging nonetheless. By the time school was over another pig was dead. The 4-h leader came with her husband and observed for a while. They left with the recommendation of yogurt and raw eggs for the pigs to help calm their stomachs and give their GI tract time to heal. So I began making yogurt as it would take a lot. I love my instapot it's the easiest yogurt I've ever made. 

They also left instructions to administer pepto bismol and some liquid tylenol.

Of course the kids were all there it was kinda nice to be all together on a unified job. Not sure where all this water came from but Bruce was making the most of it.
We were also instructed to be careful with our shoes and gloves not wanting to spread the sickness. So we began or one time bleached our boots and shoes.

It's been almost a week since this event. The remaining 2 pigs of that litter are still alive they are still eating yogurt and eggs two times a day, one still looks good and the other is very guant but gets up movement is always a good sign.  My own baby continues to be very demanding crying when set down and too curious for safety. She choked to turning blue on a candy wrapper on Friday night so we are very leery of setting her down anywhere. Evn on the raer clean floor she sweeps under couches and in corners and finds something to choke on. Life is good always lots more to learn.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

4.25.19 I love to see the temple

We decided to go to the temple after school this week. I have been away from my little kids a lot attending big kid functions. I felt like they need to be included not just dropped at home to zone out in movieland. We made the long drive over after running the carpool which added and extra hour in the car. 

I promised the younger ones we would find a park. I was unprepared for the amount of traffic. The lines wee so long probably a hundred cars or so. We had to keep driving because we couldn't turn around or turn across traffic. Finally with google maps help we found a park on our right. 

Man is life different in the cities. We take for granted all our reasons to be outside. We also don't just stop and play much. People lately have suggested scheduling time for fun... ha-ha. You mean more than sleeping? Who would have thought. I was relieved though as I watched people come to the park that we can play at the park everyday at home. I am thankful for the peace we live in way out here in the country.

Time is passing quickly for these two sweet little ones. They roll with the business and constant schedule changes. They Miss the big ones and share mom nicely. 

It was such a nice break to play and watch these little ones play while the big ones did what they needed. It was a long night after school but it was surprisingly peaceful.The older ones drove I talked and worked with the younger ones in the back. We listened to talks that taught lessons I'm thinking about. We were together in our magical big van. Magical because we don't fight as much, we can stew in each others goodness. I can talk one on one or to the group in a new more restrained environment and we end up at places we want to be. Many wins traveling together in the car. Life is beautiful and precious as the mom.

4.25.19 Easter Weekend

I love simple community service projects where we can help make a difference. I found a posting from our chamber of commerce asking for help putting out eggs for the community easter egg hunt. This sounded so perfect. We always donate eggs, and the kids love hunting them at home I thought this would be a perfect fit. 

When we got to the park it was between rain storms. I was surprised at how many eggs were waiting to be laid out. It had to have been 10000. The kids were all able to help. It was a fun unique activity to be the hiders not the finders. 

The Chamber of Commerce gave us free ice cream cone cards for our help. That was a fun promise!
We moved onto our local chapel to do some plant cleanup. The flowers are beautiful when they bloom but then they die and that looks ugly. I was explaining the need to do some cleanup and how the other congregations take care of their buildings when we drove by and saw some friends working outside their churches. Love that!

Addie was our crew boss showing by example how it should be done. All helped with the promise of ice cream cones when we were done.

We enjoyed soft serve cones while the rain poured down. It was a nice end to a good few hours of our day. Later that night I watched the older kids sing in an easter program. Harold used his wits and qrote his part on his hand. Later the next day he could not read all of it. The director asked why he didn't just use his phone, HArold replied I don't have a phone. The director was stunned into silence a kid with no phone is more rare than a golden egg.... Oh the poor boy.

Nonetheless life goes on and works out. I love my kids even when they scream at my feet... Happy easter, we can begin again and again! Thank God for that blessing. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

4.24.19 FFA Banquet

Oh the history rolling on and on. How many banquets have my parents sat through? Not sure but we had another one and htey were gracious enough to come. I had baked all day to support the dessert auction. The evening was pleasant and moved fast, that was very considerate of the hosts. Harold surprised me by earning the Chapter STar  farmer for the year. He is extremely involved he wants to try everything, he is usually fairly successful. He loves people and going on outings instead of being in class. 

Aliza with her best friend Mattie M.- in the middle. Her two other good friend Katy and Bradly are also shown.

New chapter farmers all 30 of them.

State Farmer recipients. The only picture I got of Anna. The banquet was bitter sweet. She loved her time as president. She learned and grew so much. She is ready for the next challenge life has to offer. 

My two redheads. It is so odd to have kids taller than us. How I love these two.

Aliza was awarded star greenhand from her friend Brock. She is also very involved and is very meticulous at keeping an amazingly detailed record book.

The two creed speakers for the year. Aliza and friend Kaylee.

Waiting and watching. Aliza was back and forth a lot. She looks good on stage.

Another year another banquet down. We keep up the tradition because the process and the opportunities develop life long skills and confidence. I love the blue and gold and am thankful my kids are being shaped for the better into future leaders of America too.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

4.23.19 Ox in the Mire and Uncles

I have had the privilege of watching my brother in-laws grow up. Matt was about Livy's age and Jay was Afton's age when I joined the family. That's a lot of changing. They have been gone for quite a while now, so it is always fun when they come home. This time has been especially good as they have helped Greg enormously getting his perpetual ox out of the persistent mire. I made a date with Jay to come and cook for us. He often posts delicious creations on facebook. I figured we should take advantage of his close proximity to taste some of that in real time! We had a pleasant evening after a full day learning how to tantalize our taste buds. Livy remembers Jay from before he left. She asked several times if he could still hold her. This is the pictures of him finally hearing what she was asking. 

Man if we could hire Matt full time our life would be totally different. It was such an unexpected blessing to have his patient, completely competent hands working with and for Greg when he was really under the gun. What a relief!

The burger fixin's. Yes small crunchy hasbrowns, avacado, cheese, slighly cooked eggs, shrimp, bacon, custom blended burgers, yum! We were mostly skeptical but were convinced on first bite.

It took many hands and time to make such a yummy surprise but it was good to cook, laugh, and listen to Jay. Life is good we are thankful there are so many hours in the day we try to use almost all of them! Hence the obsession with food. Gotta keep fueled up to keep going. We keep hearing about some book on the power of sleeping, we are not anxious to read it. Ha! Time and season I guess.

Monday, April 22, 2019

4.22.19 Are we there yet??

Is it June yet? I feel like we are in fast forward mode until June. While we are enjoying lots of successes for hard work, we are constantly robbing one side to cover the other. 
Days with kids are full and long. Sometimes we are productive sometimes we serve and sometimes we survive. mostly I feel like we are in survival mode. I take pictures to remember. My mind is numb from overload nad my body is rebelling falling prey to some germs ... I have lost my voice and that makes being in charge a lot more hands on. My ears work just fine and I hear my rebellious pouting kids saying how much they hate me. Oh the good days of being a mom. 
Some proof we have been living. 
We finally got to the peanut lesson in our math curriculum. I have used this with 8 kids. I have got to this lesson only one other time, with Harold. I remembered it through the years but just haven't been consistent enough. I am finding a chart on the wall is highly motivating to me. I love checking off something and then seeing tha for the rest of the month. We did REALLY well in March, with the longer sunny days and end of year we are not doing so well in April. Try try again is our motto here. 

While the kids loved the peanuts we bigger people have been cleaning up peanuts for too long, will not be buying three pounds of them any time soon again.
We are glad to have a grandma that loves dark chocolate as much as us. We were happy to share a birthday cake with her. The girls being silly for the camera. 

Afton so happy to get a letter in the mail!! Exciting times.

We did a whole week of easter. We colored eggs- I just let them color all the eggs they wanted with some good color pens I didn't worry about cooking them prior. What do you do with dozens of hard boiled eggs? Only a few broken eggs ended up on the floor. They colored pictures we watched videos we discussed the easter story. I feel like we covered it well. Was there a special part? No not really, I liked the kids easter program when I went alone. I'm thankful they were thinking about those words and ideas for the months prior. We just keep adding more we never reduce what we do...I'm not sure what to cut so we don't. But it's good to be full and we are blessed to have helpers, that's the next post.

She is getting stronger and more independent. She loves to watch what is going on. Her favorite spot is where she can look out the window. I don't blame her that's my favorite spot too!

We got pigs and are working through pig pictures for 4-H reporting. 

It's still pretty wet out there. I made the boys bail this out after pictures. Man was it stinky. Lots of laundry trying to keep smell free here. Which leads to lots of laundry on the line and lots of fun running in it. The lines are so used they hang very close to the ground thus the little girls can help more. Conundrum to move the lines up...Spot the free spirit enjoying the nice spring weather?!

Life is good it is full but always reshuffling to fit the most important things in each day. I wish for more order and routine but don't want to miss a thing that is important our could be beneficial to others. We are blessed with health and strength, happiness, and enough.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

4.11.19 the younger crew

I got a text at 10 reminding me of meals on wheels then promptly forgot until I got a questioning text at 12 if we were going today. We rushed to get in shoes and coats and zoomed to town. We love meals on wheels. Most of the recipients have been on the list for years. We know their locations and we love to share some lunch. Monday is a great day for us because there is a lot to handout and we have a lot of hands!

I love meals on wheels it is an easy way to do some meaningful service and the young kids can participate fully and confidently!

At home Bruce is so thankful for older brothers who have so many neat hobbies.

Millie is my happy helper. She is reliable and smart. She is a joy to be around. 

A rare moment when dad came home when the sun was shinning. Obviously the kids are watching the scary part of the movie. Good thing dad was their for protective support.
Oh we have so many normal days not filled with huge challenges or excitement. I still feel like I am holding on for dear life trying to get the important bases covered. I'm thankful for strength and ability to endure and sincerely hope our efforts are enough. Sometimes we do far more and sometimes we do less, you can't go full speed all the time!
I loved this reminder I read just prior to conference it is the basis of my hope and confidence that we don't have to be exciting and broad or even orderly, but we are focused and holding the line:

Linda S. Reeves
said  in a general conference message from 2014:
 "Some of you have heard me tell how overwhelmed my husband, Mel, 
and I felt as the parents of four young children. 
As we faced the challenges of parenting and keeping up with the demands of life, 
we were desperate for help. 
We prayed and pleaded to know what to do. The answer that came was clear:
 “It is OK if the house is a mess and the children are still
 in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone.
 The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home 
are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.”

We were trying to do these things, but they were not always the
 priority and, amidst the chaos, were sometimes neglected. 
We changed our focus and tried not to worry about the less-important things. 
Our focus became to talk, rejoice, preach, and testify of Christ
 by striving to daily pray and study the scriptures 
and have weekly family home evening.

A friend recently cautioned, 
“When you ask the sisters to read the scriptures and pray more, 
it stresses them out. They already feel like they have too much to do.”

Brothers and sisters, because I know from my own experiences, 
and those of my husband, I must testify of the blessings of daily 
scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening. 
These are the very practices that help take away stress,
 give direction to our lives, 
and add protection to our homes."

I again am seeking to immerse myself in the scriptures. This practice helps me be more centered and at peace. The clutter has not changed, the crying has not ceased, and the requirements are just as heavy. Yet, I am able to work methodically through my day and prepare to share my testimony and learning with my children as they bring home problems, questions, and various trivia from their days. I am thankful for the strength to bear my burdens and to love my family as is today!