Wednesday, April 10, 2019

4.10.19 General Conference and the tree

The conference weekend was filled with lots of quiet listening and then some quick rounds of parcheesi. We have some serious parcheesi competitors here. I took a rare turn at playing against these very competitive kids. 

Outside Uncle Eric and grandpa worked to remove a tree stump. It was an all day job. These trees are the perfect example of biological fitness. They are prolific re-seeders and put down a truly awesome root system.

It took about an hour and various positions of pulling with the trac tractor to finally break loose the roots. In between pulls the crew would chop roots and dig more dirt trying to free the stump from the ground.

The multitudes of roots and the enormous hole.

Of course we ate well and enjoyed time with friends. There was a lot sword fighting, climbing into trees and coloring that happened this weekend.

And of course we enjoyed the traditional brigham young donuts. Grandma is a kind host. It's heartwarming to watch the kids learn how to prepare the traditional feasts. And add their favorites to the mix. Aliza whipped up some pies with grandma and Aunt Monica.
The words and testimonies shared are beautiful, instructive, warning, and thought provoking. Sharing the experience with dear family and enjoying the time honored rituals makes it intensely comforting and nourishing. I struggle with some of the changes - the ease of hearing conference at our leisure sometimes makes us lax in watching it in real time. There was something good about all stopping and joining in purpose and conviction to watch together, but the ability to review time and again is good too. I find myself wishing I could pause like I do the rest of the time to think one by one about the messages presented. Always a way to complain I guess. We are blessed I'm thankful for living prophets who teach and bless. Life is good and we are still full from the feast- spiritual and physical from the weekend.

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