Monday, April 8, 2019

4.7.19 Dress Up

Part of spring break was an attempt to clean out our junk room. Part of cleaning around here is getting rid of excess. I was attempting to create some order when the little girls decided the extra material would make perfect dresses. The got busy styling beautiful creations on each other and viola elegant ladies began parading around my home. 

Life is always more fun when you use your imagination! Livy was the head stylist, of course. 

Bruce has decided it's time for Alia to start walking. he was helping her. 

And after a small workout Aliza offered some rest. Everyone loves the older girls, this was a normal night of getting some loves from Liza.

Life is good together. The best part of spring break was the break from the constant running that seems to accompany school weeks. We ran on our own time schedule we rested, we watched movies, we cleaned, and we played simple games at home. Sometimes I feel bad we aren't exciting but I also know I don't have a lot more to give and thus need the down time and need the extra help loving all the bodies around here. I'm thankful the big kids are willing helpers and I'm thankful for the sweet innocence of the littles that adore and love the big ones. Life is good even if we just live out our lives on this small part of the earth.

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