Tuesday, April 23, 2019

4.23.19 Ox in the Mire and Uncles

I have had the privilege of watching my brother in-laws grow up. Matt was about Livy's age and Jay was Afton's age when I joined the family. That's a lot of changing. They have been gone for quite a while now, so it is always fun when they come home. This time has been especially good as they have helped Greg enormously getting his perpetual ox out of the persistent mire. I made a date with Jay to come and cook for us. He often posts delicious creations on facebook. I figured we should take advantage of his close proximity to taste some of that in real time! We had a pleasant evening after a full day learning how to tantalize our taste buds. Livy remembers Jay from before he left. She asked several times if he could still hold her. This is the pictures of him finally hearing what she was asking. 

Man if we could hire Matt full time our life would be totally different. It was such an unexpected blessing to have his patient, completely competent hands working with and for Greg when he was really under the gun. What a relief!

The burger fixin's. Yes small crunchy hasbrowns, avacado, cheese, slighly cooked eggs, shrimp, bacon, custom blended burgers, yum! We were mostly skeptical but were convinced on first bite.

It took many hands and time to make such a yummy surprise but it was good to cook, laugh, and listen to Jay. Life is good we are thankful there are so many hours in the day we try to use almost all of them! Hence the obsession with food. Gotta keep fueled up to keep going. We keep hearing about some book on the power of sleeping, we are not anxious to read it. Ha! Time and season I guess.

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