Wednesday, April 24, 2019

4.24.19 FFA Banquet

Oh the history rolling on and on. How many banquets have my parents sat through? Not sure but we had another one and htey were gracious enough to come. I had baked all day to support the dessert auction. The evening was pleasant and moved fast, that was very considerate of the hosts. Harold surprised me by earning the Chapter STar  farmer for the year. He is extremely involved he wants to try everything, he is usually fairly successful. He loves people and going on outings instead of being in class. 

Aliza with her best friend Mattie M.- in the middle. Her two other good friend Katy and Bradly are also shown.

New chapter farmers all 30 of them.

State Farmer recipients. The only picture I got of Anna. The banquet was bitter sweet. She loved her time as president. She learned and grew so much. She is ready for the next challenge life has to offer. 

My two redheads. It is so odd to have kids taller than us. How I love these two.

Aliza was awarded star greenhand from her friend Brock. She is also very involved and is very meticulous at keeping an amazingly detailed record book.

The two creed speakers for the year. Aliza and friend Kaylee.

Waiting and watching. Aliza was back and forth a lot. She looks good on stage.

Another year another banquet down. We keep up the tradition because the process and the opportunities develop life long skills and confidence. I love the blue and gold and am thankful my kids are being shaped for the better into future leaders of America too.

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