Thursday, April 25, 2019

4.25.19 I love to see the temple

We decided to go to the temple after school this week. I have been away from my little kids a lot attending big kid functions. I felt like they need to be included not just dropped at home to zone out in movieland. We made the long drive over after running the carpool which added and extra hour in the car. 

I promised the younger ones we would find a park. I was unprepared for the amount of traffic. The lines wee so long probably a hundred cars or so. We had to keep driving because we couldn't turn around or turn across traffic. Finally with google maps help we found a park on our right. 

Man is life different in the cities. We take for granted all our reasons to be outside. We also don't just stop and play much. People lately have suggested scheduling time for fun... ha-ha. You mean more than sleeping? Who would have thought. I was relieved though as I watched people come to the park that we can play at the park everyday at home. I am thankful for the peace we live in way out here in the country.

Time is passing quickly for these two sweet little ones. They roll with the business and constant schedule changes. They Miss the big ones and share mom nicely. 

It was such a nice break to play and watch these little ones play while the big ones did what they needed. It was a long night after school but it was surprisingly peaceful.The older ones drove I talked and worked with the younger ones in the back. We listened to talks that taught lessons I'm thinking about. We were together in our magical big van. Magical because we don't fight as much, we can stew in each others goodness. I can talk one on one or to the group in a new more restrained environment and we end up at places we want to be. Many wins traveling together in the car. Life is beautiful and precious as the mom.

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