Thursday, April 25, 2019

4.25.19 Easter Weekend

I love simple community service projects where we can help make a difference. I found a posting from our chamber of commerce asking for help putting out eggs for the community easter egg hunt. This sounded so perfect. We always donate eggs, and the kids love hunting them at home I thought this would be a perfect fit. 

When we got to the park it was between rain storms. I was surprised at how many eggs were waiting to be laid out. It had to have been 10000. The kids were all able to help. It was a fun unique activity to be the hiders not the finders. 

The Chamber of Commerce gave us free ice cream cone cards for our help. That was a fun promise!
We moved onto our local chapel to do some plant cleanup. The flowers are beautiful when they bloom but then they die and that looks ugly. I was explaining the need to do some cleanup and how the other congregations take care of their buildings when we drove by and saw some friends working outside their churches. Love that!

Addie was our crew boss showing by example how it should be done. All helped with the promise of ice cream cones when we were done.

We enjoyed soft serve cones while the rain poured down. It was a nice end to a good few hours of our day. Later that night I watched the older kids sing in an easter program. Harold used his wits and qrote his part on his hand. Later the next day he could not read all of it. The director asked why he didn't just use his phone, HArold replied I don't have a phone. The director was stunned into silence a kid with no phone is more rare than a golden egg.... Oh the poor boy.

Nonetheless life goes on and works out. I love my kids even when they scream at my feet... Happy easter, we can begin again and again! Thank God for that blessing. 

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