Monday, April 22, 2019

4.22.19 Are we there yet??

Is it June yet? I feel like we are in fast forward mode until June. While we are enjoying lots of successes for hard work, we are constantly robbing one side to cover the other. 
Days with kids are full and long. Sometimes we are productive sometimes we serve and sometimes we survive. mostly I feel like we are in survival mode. I take pictures to remember. My mind is numb from overload nad my body is rebelling falling prey to some germs ... I have lost my voice and that makes being in charge a lot more hands on. My ears work just fine and I hear my rebellious pouting kids saying how much they hate me. Oh the good days of being a mom. 
Some proof we have been living. 
We finally got to the peanut lesson in our math curriculum. I have used this with 8 kids. I have got to this lesson only one other time, with Harold. I remembered it through the years but just haven't been consistent enough. I am finding a chart on the wall is highly motivating to me. I love checking off something and then seeing tha for the rest of the month. We did REALLY well in March, with the longer sunny days and end of year we are not doing so well in April. Try try again is our motto here. 

While the kids loved the peanuts we bigger people have been cleaning up peanuts for too long, will not be buying three pounds of them any time soon again.
We are glad to have a grandma that loves dark chocolate as much as us. We were happy to share a birthday cake with her. The girls being silly for the camera. 

Afton so happy to get a letter in the mail!! Exciting times.

We did a whole week of easter. We colored eggs- I just let them color all the eggs they wanted with some good color pens I didn't worry about cooking them prior. What do you do with dozens of hard boiled eggs? Only a few broken eggs ended up on the floor. They colored pictures we watched videos we discussed the easter story. I feel like we covered it well. Was there a special part? No not really, I liked the kids easter program when I went alone. I'm thankful they were thinking about those words and ideas for the months prior. We just keep adding more we never reduce what we do...I'm not sure what to cut so we don't. But it's good to be full and we are blessed to have helpers, that's the next post.

She is getting stronger and more independent. She loves to watch what is going on. Her favorite spot is where she can look out the window. I don't blame her that's my favorite spot too!

We got pigs and are working through pig pictures for 4-H reporting. 

It's still pretty wet out there. I made the boys bail this out after pictures. Man was it stinky. Lots of laundry trying to keep smell free here. Which leads to lots of laundry on the line and lots of fun running in it. The lines are so used they hang very close to the ground thus the little girls can help more. Conundrum to move the lines up...Spot the free spirit enjoying the nice spring weather?!

Life is good it is full but always reshuffling to fit the most important things in each day. I wish for more order and routine but don't want to miss a thing that is important our could be beneficial to others. We are blessed with health and strength, happiness, and enough.

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