Tuesday, April 9, 2019

4.9.19 The crew

I learned years ago that if you want conference to be a more pleasant experience make sure you do what has been asked in the weeks prior and you won't feel so guilty. Hence I did some ministering, and made sure we went to the temple before the conference weekend. It is a new/satisfying/challenging experience to have so many that can go to the temple. I love their desire to go, sometimes I miss alone time with Greg, and yet I'm thankful for the new way we go worship and serve. The kids take turns sitting with little miss rotating through their turns serving in the temple. I love that we are able to do so many names. 

They also are hard workers and strong kids. We were sorting cows to sell and found this brand new baby in the allyway all the cows would be walking through so Anna moved it to a safer location.

The sorting crew discussing strategy.

Almost finished.

Little miss showed us how grown up and strong she is by assuming the crawling position. Still no forward movement yet but she is moving around in circles and rolling off of any high place she is placed on.

We are abundantly blessed with health, strength, love and opportunity.

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