Saturday, April 11, 2020

4.11.20 Easter Fun Day

I was speaking with my mother in-law yesterday and she reminded me that it's not the mothers job to meet all the needs in her house, especially with so many people, rather to stand back and watch them love and care for each other. Today I witnessed this first hand! I am so grateful to have eyes to see. 

All this week Addie has been working on an Easter funday. In years past we have donated eggs to local hunts, had a fun hunt provided by my sister, and hosted hunts here. We usually have a lot of candy on Saturday with more spiritual thinking on Sunday and other days of the week. This week has been trying to for me so my mind was not focused much on Easter. I did teach the lesson and show the pictures to the kids of the events of Easter week on Monday night, but other than that I've mostly been working to tie up loose ends and meet with doctors this week. Thus, Addie took over and created a truly fun day for her siblings. She stayed up late each night this week preparing. 
This morning I did a more elaborate braid for her before the day started. 

She was very upset the kids had woke up early, thus upsetting her carefully laid schedule from the get go. The wind also whipped up and the day was a good ten degrees colder than yesterday. Yet she had worked hard, and with some encouragement and counseling from mom and Aliza, she went forward although not as happy as if life went as she had planned. 

To start the day finger painting pictures. She made the finger paint from scratch. The kids had a good time this was a new activity to them. 

Then egg dying. They were so cute waiting patiently Mark helped Alia fully participate. 

Next was the scavenger hunt. Addie prepared clues in eggs they had to find.  Note Reed the worker in the background mowing the lawn for the first time this year. He is so good to just stick to a job. He helped hide eggs. 

When Addie came back to the kitch she found a red trail of what looked like blood all over the counter, cupboard and floor. Oh no she forgot to tighten the lid on the red food color which was on the top shelf. So Addie cleaned and cleaned Red food dye. 

The kids came in from the last activity to play with play dough. She had made this late last night. The kids love play dough this was a great surprise!

And finally before they could hunt candy eggs they had to do some yard clean-up. They did some Aliza did a lot. Yesterday Alia fell off the porch onto a rock and has a good goose egg. They were working to move the rocks and get rid of garbage from winter. It looks so nice now. 

I didn't get any pictures of them hunting eggs. I was cleaning in the house while they were doing this activity. Mostly making myself move around and letting them have a fun experience. It was nice to have a room stay clean for more than 10 minutes. I also listened as the spirit taught me to be thankful for the many talents that reside in my home. I'm not a super fun mom, but I did buy the candy, and the eggs, corn starch, food coloring, expensive white eggs, and ink. As I cleaned in my home I realized I am good at keeping things on hand (Addie accuses me of hoarding). I'm working to be/stay at the place where I can be at peace just smiling and encouraging them on. I did not help Addie with this, besides trying to get what she put on my shopping list and telling her where an idea book was. I'm impressed with her efforts. There are more surprises and activities in store. My sister in-law responded to some of these pictures, that she too has great memories of fun things her older sisters did for her.
 I know that as we head into a new chapter and new baby that these kids do love each other, and sincerely work to care for and make life great and mostly safe for each other. I am thankful to be able to stand back and watch. I'm thankful for resources to make days like today happen. I'm thankful to be too busy to do it all. I'm thankful to be the mom. 
Yesterday as I drove around with Millie and discussed with her how this was the day Jesus died and how that must have felt, and as I thought about that today the despair and fright the world must have felt on this Saturday of darkness long ago, I'm thankful for His eternal light and my choice to try to walk with my eyes on Him. I'm thankful for His comfort and peace. Life is good!

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