Sunday, April 19, 2020

4.19.20 First Week

There are lots of baby holders and just one baby. I don't think many babies are as loved per person as this one. Afton getting her first turn!

In between baby and life is school. The kids have to take pictures and send them to their teachers showing completed work.

 A new outfit with claws on the toes for from Aunt Elizabeth. The kids though this was a funny pj set. And the jars and jars of water I'm supposed to drink a day.

A very happy big brother. He loves his new title of big brother!

The biggest brother also loves having a baby at home. As soon as his hands are washed he is reaching for his littlest brother to snuggle and enjoy him.

A tired mama with her two little ones.

It's always a marvel how small they are. I was surprised at Merle's size I thought for sure he would be over 8 lbs like the last 5. We are enjoying his small features and know he too will grow and grow until he is far larger than I. He is doing well learning to nurse and is just proving to be a calm sweet baby.

As I sit here chronicling the week with tears rolling down my face- part hormones, part joy, it is truly awesome to me to be on this journey. It took some years to embrace this was my calling and my life work. It took some reconciling my will to God's. It takes constant work to find joy in the journey. I do love being a mom and I do love people so this job is a great combination of the two. This time has been special although different than the twelve before we are glad to have this experience too. Life is good.

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