Monday, April 20, 2020

4.21.20 Life resumes

And though we have been heavy on baby life is slowly finding ways to resume. Anna had her job interview final via remote video chat. It was interesting and new, and probably a very real experience for her future. She looked beautiful. This week she will compete for state office the same way, now to find good camera angels, and to sharpen up on what she was ready for a month ago. 

The seasons are changing and the dandelions are in full force. A little girls dream come true. They make many bouquets a day.

And we finally got the call the chicks had arrived. I think with all the travel restrictions flights are fewer to be found and thus these chicks seem to have been a bit more prone to die. So far four have been lost.
 Reed was in heaven and has been carefully watching over them. Here the boys are dipping their beaks in water. A very necessary first step as they are thirsty from transit and need the moisture. They were noisy Merle was not sure about all that and did much better when I covered his ears with a blanket.
The boys have been trying out a new disk thanks to Uncle Kevin. This tractor pulls it well. So far everyone is impressed and sad not to have double or triple the acres to work up. The buddy seat is an added bonus plenty of room for a passenger or three. Addie loves to ride because of the great radio stations and no mom to demand we listen to something other than garbage music.
So life rolls on between enjoying a newborn and taking care of my "cut in half" body according to Bruce, I was working on finalizing pest control and fertilizer plans. We made the decision and for better or worse we are going ahead with the farm plan. Hopefully by the end of the week we will be putting seeds in the ground. Greg has rebuilt the planter with the boys help. He also laid rocks in the worst of the pivot tracks. The boys burned weeds, cleared piles of debris, picked large rocks that were turned up by the discing, and have repaired and prepared the pivots for the year. It's good for them to be learning so much and have a place to go work everyday. Life is good.

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