Friday, April 3, 2020

4.3.20 Greg's birthday

We had a party, an illegal gathering this year. More than ten were in attendance but that's just how many live here everyday. Greg requested pie, more than I was willing to make but the ones he got were good! It's hard to believe how many birthday candles should be on our cakes these days. After a spectacular display on his fathers birthday where a group lit all 71 candles he blew them out in one breath too. The kids wanted to try it for their dad too, but pie is not as solid as cake and we just went for 6. 

I was honestly worried the matches be shaken out after lighting would catch one of us on fire. But all was well and we enjoyed a sweet birthday treat. I'm so thankful for this sweetheart of mine. Sure we have times of disagreement, but he is my match and best at understanding and encouraging me through our life journey. He's a good dad and his kids know he is rock solid from his testimony to his unique comments he is dependable. We sure love the anchor that he is to our family. 

After the big earthquake we did a little science lesson. There is so much information on the internet well thought out, interesting, and at so many levels of understanding and depth. The girls followed up with the video coloring a picture of the earth. I solidly believe in the power of knowing what is going on. I was interested to learn why we have earthquakes too. 

I sent the pictures to the teachers just to prove that we are in fact still learning even while staying home. I do work to teach my children many different lessons but educational ones are definitely in the mix. Science is always an easy sell as it's intriguing and usually not to hard to understand. I anticipate some shell-less eggs happening in the near future as many videos showed how vinegar and water will dissolve the shell. Life is good!

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