Tuesday, April 7, 2020

4.8.20 General Conference

Prophet Russel M. Nelson promised this April 2020 general conference would be unforgettable and different than any other in October of 2019. Little did we fathom how completely the world would be turned upside down. We worked through the six months to study and prepare for the conference. Studying the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, learning more about Joseph Smith and the priesthood of God. We learned a lot and had our understanding increased. Yet as the announcements for social distancing and limiting crowd size became more and more real and limited we were not quite prepared for how different conference would really look. We literally gasped when we saw the very empty auditorium. Our eyes are use to the full magnificent large conference center. WE loved the music but it was different to know it was not happening right now. We were fortunate to carry on with traditions like donuts thanks to Grandma Saunders. 

The kids were themselves active and mobile. It was however nice to be in a different house and to watch the proceedings on a TV instead of hunched over small screens here at home.

The kids really enjoyed the Hosanna shout, we dressed up for the morning session but retreated to normal clothes for the afternoon. We used coloring pages to help calm the kids on Sunday. 

Some needed more activity not less.

Conference is always a sure fire way to draw some Zzz's. Yet through all the normal life stuff it was so refreshing and comforting to hear the prophets voice to hear his counsel and instruction. I have had to dig deep these past few weeks and continue clinging by the skin of my teeth to the hope that all will be well and that I am going to be able to handle life as it comes and changes. I've been turning to older talks and church music to help me hold on. So I didn't have a lot of questions or concerns going into conference because that's what I'd been scouring for the weeks prior. I'm sure to turn to them again sooner than later. I'm so thankful for the many helps we are given to hold onto our faith and to be rescued from our fears. Life is good I am blessed.

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