Sunday, April 12, 2020

4.12.20 Fastings and Endings

 On Good Friday the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints joined or encouraged the world to fast for relief and healing from COVID-19. We had funny discussions when we were asked to participate as we hadn't eaten dinner when the challenge was given and the kids were worried they were going to have to start right then, and worse miss Grandma's special cold cereal the next day. They were relieved it was actually to be a week away where breakfast is usually just oatmeal. And it was  a week away nothing to worry about. Thursday came and to some I suggested why not just start now then you could eat lunch tomorrow. Afton and Aliza went that route. Others choose to put off the fast for one more day. I was gone again in the morning but all were on board and knew this was the day. They did so well. Millie and Afton skipped breakfast to show their faith. We waited on lunch working through school work and cleaning.
I was so sad to see John go through his school binders and clean them out. He is done with his Willowcreek experience. Eight years ago we made that switch and it blessed our family greatly. He has grown physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. He is such a fun young man. He was an adorable yet shy big young boy when he started but he had great teachers who truly touched his heart, who worked with him and encouraged him to become better. He has and I and they are so pleased with all the progress he has made. I truly was almost more sad for him than I was for Anna missing the end of their last years and moving on with their lives.

He of course is my eater, headache guy. He dreamed and suggested we should try out bagels for the end of our fasting. I found the recipe and he went to work. 

Homemade bagels are pretty good! He made cinnamon and sugar.  I made garlic Parmesan cheese. John loves bagels so this was a great fit for him. I'm impressed with my kids ability and desire to cook things they love. He made thirty bagels none were left, but he assured me he memorized the recipe and is ready to try again.

Bruce walked with me up to my in-laws to visit. He picked me a flower. I cannot kill all the dandelions in the lawn because they bring such joy to my children. Afton had a yellow face all day after she painted her skin with the natural yellow dye of the petals. Her sisters did the same thing when they were her age.
We all survived the fast! We were a little more unified and a little more faithful that the healing power of the Atonement of Christ would be applied to our sick worried world at this time. What a great gift and doctrine to ponder on the day that changed and redeemed the world. God is so good!

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