Wednesday, April 8, 2020

4.8.20 School from home

Some of my kids are more into this concept than others. Honestly what we were doing worked really well for us. I like learning to make sense and be organized this hodge-podge for this week is giving me fits. One of the assignments for the older kids was to make paper airplanes then determine which flew the farthest. Of course everyone wanted a paper airplane. Harold being a pro at this obliged and made about 30 paper airplanes Sunday night. It was dangerous to walk into a room as you never knew how many airplanes might hit you. 

Addie is so fortunate to have so many brothers to help her out. She of course jumped right into the scientific method that was the driver of this project. I'm pretty sure she is all done. Brothers have not done more than make the airplanes and attempt to fly them off the silo's. That did not work. Now to get them to delve into the why. 
 A major bonus of at home learners is their natural desire to be fed. Addie's teachers suggested making crepes as a class on Thursday. She was sure she could do that I encouraged her and this was our end result. I truly hate making crepes as it's a lot of work for not much result, meaning filling stick to your ribs results.

But this was a nice change. The night before Addie had tried fruit pizza. Unfortunately I have no idea how it tasted as my nerves overcame me and I had to go to bed. There was none left in the morning so I'm guessing it was as good as it looks.

And the crew working or avoiding working on school. The first day was pretty hard, today has been busy with other life necessities so no word on results.

 We are managing and hoping for a little more grace in this time of continual change. The weather is getting nicer which will make this doubly hard. Life is passing slowly and all too fast. Anna is back plugged into the computer most the day working on school. Aliza is getting there. Harold continues to help Greg. We will keep moving on.

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