Wednesday, April 1, 2020

4.1.20 An earthquake experience

Yesterday I was casually visiting with an old friend on the phone when Aliza started reporting that the cheerios on the floor were dancing and pictures on the wall were swaying. I was sitting on my bed and felt and noticed nothing, so I told her to stop imagining things. After getting off the phone my phone started lighting up with texts from family asking if we had felt "it?" I am so sad to say that my answer was no but my kids definitely did experiencing the earthquake.
She's digging into the books that must be returned Friday. She can vacuum and read at the same time!
This new phenomena was not exactly welcome. Later that night Aliza proclaimed the end must be near "oh no!" I reminded her she was in a good place in her life and all would be well, along with admonishing my kids at dinner that even when the end comes life will not stop, life will go on and we too needed to go on at this time.

I love the freedom we have had these past two weeks. I love the kids unwinding and showing their true colors like dancing in the kitchen. he's a funny guy and always good for a witty comment. 

Yet today, as the schools are awakening from a nice two week and more break and starting to stretch their hands back into my life I am not excited for life to return to the 'schedule' of before. I am not excited for outside influence to once again determine the course and objectives of my day.
As I read and talked with people over the last twenty four hours I have been grateful to have had my hard days last week to have had to search for peace and remember how to access equilibrium. It's not easy to be ok. It's not easy to keep going when life gets really scary, unsure, and hard. It's really hard to face the night.
The things I had to really tune into was the music in my home. With lots of teenagers this is a constant negotiating ground. Yet, this is a main determinant of my peace level. I can't handle the popular stuff, I find myself tuning into general conference music or primary collections on youtube. These soothe my soul.
I listen to conference talks and inevitable whether it's the one I chose or one after there are words that speak to my concerns.
I can pray, I can sincerely empty my heart alone to God. Again the answers usually come in a song or words from a talk.
I remember a scripture verse that helps me center on what I want. Today I found again John 14:27:
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
I printed this a while before the birth of our last baby. I looked at it everyday, it helped me center on Christ and remember it was going to be ok. I re-hung this today and will again be focusing on those words. It's easy and understandable to be scared. These are uncertain times for many reasons. Greg informed me had had someone in his shop that had the virus last week, so we are waiting to see what comes of that. No contact was made but still this mighty virus seems pretty adept at infecting anyone in the vicinity. So we are praying, using a sure to work herbal diffusement and oil on our feet. And hoping that if and/or when we get it it will be manageable. 
And as we did after our earthquake experience we will continue to call on God and ask for His help, His protection, and His presence. We will be grateful for each piece He daily gives and we will be ok. 

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