Wednesday, April 1, 2020

4.1.30 All kinds of learning

One of the best parts of Sunday is getting to go to the farm with dad. The kids live for that time with him. They get to do things like climb hay stacks, feed cows, play in the corn or gravel pile, ride on the four-wheeler and mostly just be with dad. 

Lia is bigger than the flowers this year, she thankfully doesn't pick them as much as some of my other kiddos.

Uncle Matt came for a visit and built this nice feeder. Or managed the boys in building the feeder. He had the vision and let the boys bend and weld the pipes into place. The highlight of the week for each boy John, Mark, and Reed was learning to weld and getting the time and space to practice. 

It is a great change to the old broken feed mill line that used to be in this place. We practiced social distancing by wearing welding helmets and leather gloves!

Aliza found some beautiful flowers. We decided hyacinths smell the best. Wow they are lovely. Slowly each year I add a few more flowers around our house then the next year we are surprised at what we have. The rose bushes and peonies I transplanted last year survived so we will see what loveliness comes from them. This year I bought more peony shoots and will see what comes of them. 

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