Wednesday, September 27, 2023

9.27.23 Addie's photos

One of the worst parts of being hacked was loosing Addie's photos from facebook. She took thousands of photos of the family reunions for the past 3 years and those are gone. Precious memories and a very thorough capturing erased by a bad dude running a stupid scheme. Trying to con caring people out of $300.
I'm always thankful for the pictures Addie shares of our life that I don't see. She really enjoys photographing children and gets good pictures of them as they really are. 
Here the kids were building much needed fences for our cows. This grass has been growing since July and the hay mowers were ready to eat it up. The bottleneck was the fence crew. Although cute these kiddos are very much in training and not the real muscle or know how of getting the job done. They are putting insulators on the posts ready for the wire stringing which is the next step. 

Merle has spent a solid 8-10 hours a day in the tractor with Greg then Mark. He adores his brothers and won't be easily budged from the buddy seat. I often think how empty the older kids lives would be without these much younger ones admiring them. 

Bruce ready to go for a ride. He's being called on more and more to be a worker not just a player. We enjoy his observations he is thoughtful and insightful. He gets life in a down to earth way. 

Lia showing off her pony she doesn't get those often because of her beautiful curls. She just wants to be like everyone else who is constantly tied up. 

Merle is a pocket guy right now. His pockets hold many treasures from other places and around. I have rocks all over, corn in between and a myriad of matchbox cars and this day it looks like a hammer head. Boys have pockets girls have purses. He also took my license this week when I was working on an appointment at the DMV. Thankfully before we left I searched him and found the missing item. 

Reed is always tired he is growing fast and expected to do a lot. We are thankful for his know-how. 

The go-to-chores crew who love to be with their dad. Sundays on the farm include hours of farm work feeding and watering the cows and of course making sure the fence is hot. 50-50 chance it is indeed hot. Which then includes lots of walking and checking if it is not. These kiddos are blessed to have a dad who includes them. 

 The weather is changing and the coats are being used more and more. I read a study where the scientist injected adrenaline into trees in the fall and studied what happened. The lack of hibernation and rest caused the majestic trees to wither and die. Rest and slowing down is imperative to health. I will be really glad to take a pause soon to spend more time reading inside going to bed earlier and .... well maybe in February. When cows come that means after school is watering them for hours. I watch the weather change and am grateful for the peaceful solitude of our way of life. Life is glorious and we are blessed for the time we have. 

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

9.26.23 Kids and garden

One day Andrea woke up grumpy and did not want me or her to get up and get going. She just sat and laid firmly on my lap. I snuggled her watching Merle and Lia play hoping to get up and get going. We found the crown. She was very happy with that addition to her day. I thought it was fitting she definitely is a baby princess. 
Millie showing some of the garden abundance. The kids really enjoy the carrots. I've been happy we have had so many to munch. It's also super hard to see the zuchinni get less and less and to think of store bought tomatoes when these are done. 
This is what we do with many of those tomatoes pot after pot of sauce. Yum yum. 
One night we tried whole peeled tomatoes. Livy was my helper on this process. I was so tired but we muscled through and got more jars filled with summer goodness. 
That night Bruce came in late with Harold. I remember Harold at that age. It was cute to have the two of them together. We were working through canning and corn harvest they were lucky to get dinner. 
With the abundant August rains there are huge weeds. Puncher vines are a particular menace. These two boys took a break from playing to cut some weeds. They were good workers for an hour or so. 

This is the ant season of our year harvest and preserving as fast and as much as we can. We are thankful for the opportunities to work and know we are cared for. We are thankful for time. Nothing compares to doing a job well to building self confidence. Telling kids they are wonderful and special does not compare to giving them skills to care for their own needs and likewise be able to share and care for others. That's why kids love to feed animals- sometimes. Life is good and abundant right now. 

Monday, September 25, 2023

9.25.23 Athletics

So many moms take pictures after the game. This one is of the linemen that protect and carry the game. The quarterback is of course the boss and a great man. These guys are literally a wall of protection and defense. 
Addie running at Catherine Creek. The nicest part of cross country is some of the beautiful venues. 
Mark and Gino. Although Gino towers over Mark they both make impressive plays and Mark leads the team when he is on the field. 
Oh my that is deep. They are instructed to wear old shows and bring clean clothes for after. The mud lingers though. 

John already to go . I would not want to take him on. 

Mark ready to absorb the offense and take them down. He is an explosive player who reads the offense well. 

These are touching moments when they are on the field together. There is something unique of playing with your brother. They form a strong front. 
A beautiful morning I captured while out on my walk. I have been successful for 4 weeks walking when the kids are gone to school. 
My guys all together. It's interesting watching the get to know each other and navigate who they are now versus who they use to be and learning to work together. 
Kneeled down and ready to strike. Cramping has been a real issue thankfully Magnesium Glycinate is helping that. 

We spend a lot of time waiting for kids at practice and watching their events. I enjoy watching them excel and enjoy other activities. I'm thankful they are having good experiences. We are blessed


Sunday, September 24, 2023

9.24.23 Harvest

Harvest has begun and is almost done! I was so worried about this all year knowing Mark would be older and probably needed on the football field. I wondered how we would ever manage without him. I envisioned miserable long days, crabby crying kids, and sheer exhaustion. Thankfully that has not been the case. They are shown here sleeping but they had been up early that morning to go to the DMV which we weathered just fine and were naturally tired. Andrea loves sleeping to the hum of a diesel engine. It's harder for Lia as her seat isn't so comfy and form fitting. Towels wash and wear easier than blankets in farm conditions. 

Buddies with Addie. We are all so happy when the big kids finally come home. 

Greg has mostly driven the grain cart and I go back and forth with the truck. Round trip experience is about 45 minutes. We make about 12 loads a day our record was 17. 

Sometimes though I fill in in the tractor. We just fill it up and go.

Or I get a solo rider in the truck. Sorry not great at selfies. 

The kids were so thirsty when we were out and about I told them go drink from the hose you will be fine. Apparently this is a lost art according to facebook memes. We were not so hyper about water when I was growing up. I remember my dad always carrying a water jug and my grandma toting mason jars and a water jug. Anyway it was a nice refreshing drink so we could carry on with our work. 

My two cute girls waiting on the next adventure. 

We found Merle one morning behind the chair asleep. No idea why he was there but I was glad the kids had found him. We pick corn ears for testing not all are used so they wind up in random ears of corn around. 

Waiting at the DMV. Lia had been thinking ahead and packed toy horses. They would have happily played in the shade for a while. Alas we had to go inside to do our business. Only 1.5 hours and we got there when it opened almost. The employees are nice and helpful I do appreciate that. 

The pretty horses are interesting for the kids to see as we go back and forth. They are sometimes being ridden. We saw one that looked just like a dalmation dog. 

And the secret to our success chips. Lots of chips and some apples thrown in. I don't buy junk food as a rule it disappears so fast and isn't worth the cost. But desperate times call for desperate measures. The kids have been pretty content just being with us. We talk and observe. Andrea sits on my lap while at the feedlot and looks out the window or when Lia moves to the tractor she sits on the seat and can see out the window. She does really well. 

In the midst of all the harvest stuff I got hacked. It was my own fault but made life interesting and highly communicative for a few days. I got tipped off by a phone call then lots and lots of text messages. I was so sad and embarrassed that my friends were getting asked for money. I was also shocked how many friends had my number. My siblings and family also fielded calls and check-ups. The money day I got an envelope in the mailbox with the amount of money. Oh the kindness around. 
I told people I would never ask for money on the internet. It has made me wonder what I would do if an absolute catastrophe happened? This Sunday we learned of two a heart attack in a grandma of a friend, and a fall resulting in a shattered hip for another. Those are hard times. 
I always have liked a story I found in old letters about the depression. A couple was going to have a baby and didn't have the money to cover the cost. So they hosted a dance with a simple sandwich and punch thrown in. Their friends came and paid to attend and for the sandwich. Pocket change but all that support and a good time raised the funds to pay for the baby and then some. I like that idea much more than asking for money flat out. 

We got to watch this silage pit be built and packed. This is the final step the covering. The guys carry large bundles of strings on their backs. Bruce said they looked like ponies they did in fact. Interesting watching a paid labor force do their specific jobs and to discuss that with the kids in the truck with me. 

I was riding home with my side kick one day holding her while she held me. I thought how thankful I am for these kiddos in my life who trust us and deal with the various situations we take on. I also contemplated how the older ones have been gone for 3, 2, and 1 years respectively and how that seems very long to be without them. We adapt and figure out how to keep loving, encouraging, and knowing them even though we are far away and totally removed from their lives and experiences. 

An early morning peach snack. She loves all fruits. 

Mark and Grandpa consulting. We are so thankful Lloyd is still willing to run the combine. We need that third person and his wisdom of the years he was the lead farmer. 

 Harvest has been pretty good, not the best but with the decisions we had to make based on cost of inputs, break downs, etc we are happy with the results. We have been safe and mostly tear free. That is huge. The moisture has been perfectly within the 33-27 percent range with the exception of 2 loads. The soil really effects the dry down of the corn. We are thankful we listened to Lloyd and Mark and got started when we did so we weren't too dry when we started which would have usually been this week. Greg has pushed hard and thus hopefully Tuesday we will be finished then back to canning tomatoes and sports and life. Reed, Addie, Livy, and Bruce built fence all weekend so we are ready for cows. Thus the circle of our farm life continues. 
We are thankful for the blessings we are given.