Saturday, September 9, 2023

9.9.23 Harold Homecoming

Harold's coming home was the same day as the start of school The kids begged to go and thinking that would be the best to go then pick them up later they rode the bus out to school. I had stayed up the night before making signs for his homecoming. 

An added bonus of his coming home was Anna and Aliza also coming home. This was our first time together ever. We think Anna and Livy look pretty similar. 
We were surprised and thankful for the large gathering of family to celebrate his return. I hope we can be present for each of these families as they too have similar moments. 

The plane was delayed. There was an unusual hurricane about to pound southern California where he served so we were about half an hour early. The kids were pretty patient. There was another large  family group there and the kids played around and with each other while they waited. 
Cousin Cambree made a card complete with freckles. 
Another elder and our group wondering where he was. 
Of course he was a punk walking right past us almost gaining the escaltor when I finally hollered I couldn't tackle him, and he stopped. My son. I was worried maybe he hadn't matured at all. 

A member had given him a fly rod set up. 
Seeing all the grandparents. 

The kids have been sad to not have more time with Harold. 

We don't know who's bigger but we know which one is not. All in all though they have a wide range of abilities and talents and I think a mutual respect for each other. 

This was the best to have them all in one room on the couch. Truly my heart melted. 
Harold using his hair cutting skill on Merle getting him ready for the family picture shoot the next day. 
With all his brothers watching and encouraging he didn't cry which was a relief. 

We had a meal plan of family favorites while we were all together. Lunch was pizzas. 
Addie is great at making memories and helped the younger kids make personal pizzas. 
That night we had a photographer come and capture an updated grandkid picture. The older kids are headed out on their own lifes and thus it was now or never. 

A storm slightly messed up the night so we took down all seating and moved into the house. The house was pretty full so I ate outside with Reed and my nephew it was pretty nice. 

So thankful to have little ones along with the older ones. I'm blessed. 
My heart was so full being able to have all my kids in eye sight. I do love this group. I struggle to nurture each each day but they care for and love each other. The older ones have set good examples and are on good paths. The younger ones are growing and developing as they will. We aer thankful for the many stages and ages in our house. 
Life was very good that weekend. We swam, we feasted, we visited, we talked. Harold gave a powerful report both to the stake president and also to the ward. I was impressed with his testimony and learning. I'm touched that so many of the things I was very concerned about for him were covered in unique ways with people on his mission. He came back with some humility which has made him even better than when he left. He is teachable and confident. He has dreams and is charting paths to reach those dreams. It is grand to watch them become. And most important he has come to know the Savior as his personal Redeemer. We are blessed. 

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