Wednesday, September 13, 2023

9.13.23 Peaches and Pizza

The problem with canning with a large group is they still want to eat. So we wash a bunch of dishes and jars then we fill the jars and start processing, then after a few hours we have to wash more jars and dishes. Kids are always hungry. I get so frustrated that our house is never clean and rarely orderly. I feel a constant battle between me and the kids. The older kids frustrated the house isn't cleaner wondering if I do even make an attempt. The middle kids hiding from chores and deep in play or books depending on the kid. And the younger kids taking it as a challenge accepted to restore chaos or new curious play to any space I get tidy and free of the lived in appearance that usually dominates. 
The peaches looked very pretty in the bottle this year. Some jars you just know will be delicious. After years of pondering if it was variety, cook time, or whatnot it is ripeness that makes beautiful jars of peaches. Skins that peal without blanching, though we still do that, are the best peaches to eat. Now that I do at least two batches of canning we get more pretty jars versus the ragged ones that no one selects. 
Fresh tomatoes are also in season. The kids love to stand and watch. 
Merle is always up for farming. He was driving through the diced peppers left over from making pizza. This was a divine pizza day fresh basil, tomatoes, peppers, and onions yum yum. 

His personal prepared pizza. 
Andrea just has to try everything right now. This is her lotioning up just cuz. We then lotioned a lot more of her and me trying to use up what she had portioned out. 
Activitiy days are happening again. The leader prepared a lot of stories about boats from the scriptures. The kids had a hard time guessing the characters. Then they made boats and tested their sales in  the water. It was a fun surprising science activitiy. Livy actually had the best designed boat. 

She angled her sails and they were small enough to balance on the foam boat. No tippage and maximum capture for each breath she blew. She has grown in her attention and focus this summer. She did very well. 
More full days of working together and participating in our different extras. We are blessed to be together and by others who add different experience and ideas to our lives. 

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