Monday, September 25, 2023

9.25.23 Athletics

So many moms take pictures after the game. This one is of the linemen that protect and carry the game. The quarterback is of course the boss and a great man. These guys are literally a wall of protection and defense. 
Addie running at Catherine Creek. The nicest part of cross country is some of the beautiful venues. 
Mark and Gino. Although Gino towers over Mark they both make impressive plays and Mark leads the team when he is on the field. 
Oh my that is deep. They are instructed to wear old shows and bring clean clothes for after. The mud lingers though. 

John already to go . I would not want to take him on. 

Mark ready to absorb the offense and take them down. He is an explosive player who reads the offense well. 

These are touching moments when they are on the field together. There is something unique of playing with your brother. They form a strong front. 
A beautiful morning I captured while out on my walk. I have been successful for 4 weeks walking when the kids are gone to school. 
My guys all together. It's interesting watching the get to know each other and navigate who they are now versus who they use to be and learning to work together. 
Kneeled down and ready to strike. Cramping has been a real issue thankfully Magnesium Glycinate is helping that. 

We spend a lot of time waiting for kids at practice and watching their events. I enjoy watching them excel and enjoy other activities. I'm thankful they are having good experiences. We are blessed


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