Thursday, September 7, 2023

9.9.23 Going on

With all the adverse weather the tree closest to our house literally began to fall apart. We were spared damage two times. Therefore we realized we should heed Providence and tear down more of the tree. John was the lucky climber while these tueis watched and waited. 

Poor John he is much larger than when he did this as a kid. I don't think he's going to want to climb trees much ever again after this experience. 

De Walt Sawsall and lots of direction. Mark anchored the ropes to add pulling assistance. I did not watch and was very thankful when it was all over. 
The rain flooded part of a neighboring town. That is main street and a parking lot under about a foot of water. Again this is very very rare. 
At home a not so rare but never welcome sight. Green baby and mess everywhere. A rubber spatula and dust pan was first cleaning. Then paper towels and finally water and mop. 

Another rain day to be out playing in the water.
Lia likes bags. She had stuffed this one full of left at home school supplies, clothes, and books. She was enjoying a break just snacking. 
We received so much moisture it was misty and damp for a few mornings. The grass is still excessively dewy. This year to not have to worry about water was so nice. We should even have carry over in our reservoirs. 
Lia loves to take pictures. This is one of many I found when preparing to do blogging updates. 
And the latest oops or controversy. The students report of our town having racism, and being inbred. Oh the shame. This is the yearbook. As you can see it was few people that held those feelings. The superintendent sent ho0me a letter recalling the offensive books. All students were required to turn in the book for new copies. 

 The local paper did a big article how this was violating the students rights of free speech. Mark got in trouble in their advisory period designed to discuss feelings. He said kids were just being dumb and didn't mean it. The teacher stood up to her full 5'4" and informed him "You don't know, you are just exercising your white male privilege's." Oh the irony. The inclusivity safe zone becomes the space to categorize and single out people based on what? Their race and identity. Are there no thinking people? Anyway he informed me I could not bleed for him, he didn't care and it was just stupid. I still think it's ironic at least and infringement at best. Yay back in school time for controversy and contention. Also time for stretching and teaching both at school and at home. 

In spite of life being very challenging and too full of problems we are still blessed. I'm thankful for opportunities to learn and grow and I'm thankful my kids are grounded in old fashioned common sense. Life is still good. 

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