Tuesday, September 26, 2023

9.26.23 Kids and garden

One day Andrea woke up grumpy and did not want me or her to get up and get going. She just sat and laid firmly on my lap. I snuggled her watching Merle and Lia play hoping to get up and get going. We found the crown. She was very happy with that addition to her day. I thought it was fitting she definitely is a baby princess. 
Millie showing some of the garden abundance. The kids really enjoy the carrots. I've been happy we have had so many to munch. It's also super hard to see the zuchinni get less and less and to think of store bought tomatoes when these are done. 
This is what we do with many of those tomatoes pot after pot of sauce. Yum yum. 
One night we tried whole peeled tomatoes. Livy was my helper on this process. I was so tired but we muscled through and got more jars filled with summer goodness. 
That night Bruce came in late with Harold. I remember Harold at that age. It was cute to have the two of them together. We were working through canning and corn harvest they were lucky to get dinner. 
With the abundant August rains there are huge weeds. Puncher vines are a particular menace. These two boys took a break from playing to cut some weeds. They were good workers for an hour or so. 

This is the ant season of our year harvest and preserving as fast and as much as we can. We are thankful for the opportunities to work and know we are cared for. We are thankful for time. Nothing compares to doing a job well to building self confidence. Telling kids they are wonderful and special does not compare to giving them skills to care for their own needs and likewise be able to share and care for others. That's why kids love to feed animals- sometimes. Life is good and abundant right now. 

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