Tuesday, September 12, 2023

9.12.23 Football and Family

The football season is in full force. I was able to go to the first game the big game of the season. It was a long ways away. My sister drove a group of us. I was so thankful to just be a passenger. Mark is 57 he is very good at defense. 
John is 62. I love watching them play but do grimmace seeing them hit and be hit. 
After the game. This is one of Mark's favorite players. 44 is dynamic and strong. He is much more chiseled or lean I tell my guys they have more love around the middle. 
Another friend who is turning into a good defensive linebacker. 
Truly happy to be with Papa. Aliza noticed the real smiles captured here. Grandparents are just loving and supportive. My dad is a true fan and enjoys watching and congratulating the guys. I love the joy in their smiles and appreciate my family wanting to go a long ways to watch them play. 
Mark's junior class. 

I'm not sure why photo shoots are how games end, I guess it's all just part of easy picture taking that is our culture. 
The tradition at the end of games is the guys kneeling in a circle and the coach giving them feedback. Parents can listen and I appreciate the wisdom and self-control the coaches share. We really have great coaches. Mostly they are caring, they work hard and work the guys hard, they keep their cool, they act as gentlemen should. 

Andrea accompanied me to the game she played happily in the grass. 
Back at home that night we had some cousins over we pulled out the hidden bed. Oh the excitement!!! 

This is scripture study. Aunt Lexine came looking for her grandkids and just watched when she found them. 

Addie took pictures and caught so much of the reunion. Here cousin Brock is showing Livy how soap reacts with dry ice. 

A major attraction of being on the farm is some farm work. We had cut some hay so people could park in the field. Thus the hay had to be gathered lots of kids got in on the tossing and stomping the hay to take to the cows. They had a great time. A job I thought would be a lot of work turned into a lot of entertainment. 
Mary, Millie, Emery, Janice all ready for church. 
Sunday dinner at grandmas was a scone cook off between Brenda and Alena. Consensus was all were great and consumed quickly. 
Ready for church and waiting. Greg and Millie Paul and Steve Greg's cousins. 

 We had a nice reunion. I had meaningful discussions with a few people. I was encouraged to go by several and I appreciated their support. All in all the kids had a great weekend. There was so much goodness shared I think the strengthening and sharing that I too have had similar experience. It's really nice to not be alone. So life is good and we filled another weekend to the brim. 

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