Monday, September 11, 2023

9.11.23 More summer catching up

Addie is sure the fun sister. The kids love hanging out in her room and getting a picture with her. These two sillies were playing on her bed. Addie was most likely writing, organizing, or watching a movie on her phone. 
Life is so good for this little lady so much entertainment and interaction. She is very loved. 
We love watermelon. While Addie is undeniably awesome and super at whatever she pursues she is also still a kid somewhere in her super mature self. Probably this picture was taken by a sibling Bruce or Lia would be my guess. How they adore her, and how she keeps them in line is awesome and so appreciated. 
I had purchased compression socks to help her running legs recover quicker. She doesn't wear them but this day these cuties decided to be protected. They are sure cute and patient with the busy life we lead. 
A picture shared by the pheasant people. They were hooding birds, or clipping plastic eye shields on the birds to prevent them from eating each other. Not easy work but not too hard either. They really enjoy working with the Nelsons. 
Merle fell asleep on the stairs. Andrea woke him up. These two are cute and working to develop a relationship. Merle sure misses his brothers, they are good at working him hard so he does need a nap. 
We had a new experience with stake conference a children's session. I was skeptical as it was another trip to a town about 30 minutes away. We made the effort though and it was delightful and we felt the spirit which is needed in todays world. I'm curious why so many young adults wonder if they have felt the spirit, it happens all the time. I'm trying to be more intentional with pointing about spiritual experiences to my kids and helping them realize this is what it feels like. This is the craft portion where they used play dough and dry beans to make watermelons. Then we ate water melon after singing songs and listening to a short message from the visiting authority. 
A silly cucumber. 
Marks district officer team. 
Samples of the pictures of Marks chapter officer team. 
At the FFA officer retreat- the guys working on a pushup or plank challenge. Addie shared this with me. Our advisor sure knows how to travel nice. The kids are very fortunate to get to interact with her. 
Costumes found and tried on. 
A major project in August was green beans. It's so much fun to watch movies while we snap. It's also so gratifying to watch our jars and shelves fill up again. We are thankful for the peace of mind that comes from having a full storage room. 
My last picture of my elder from his mission. 
My sweet cuddly guy at home. I'm sure we sent this picture to a sibling somewhere far away. I strive to share the younger kids with the older kids so they have some idea of each other. 

She also wants on my lap to be snuggled. I'm thankful for both. I would be one lonely mom if we only had 7. Reed is in 8th grade we would be so close to done, that boggles my mind to consider. It also stretches my mind to think of being strong and active enough to actively parent these two through the process of young adulthood. We have a long ways to go still. 

 Thus with those thoughts I've not worrying about weight loss and shaping but exercising each day because I can and because I want to continue to be active and able for many years to come. I want to be a healthy 85 year old. I know decisions today make that a reality. While I get bogged down with making new doctor & dentist appointments and then enduring the process of interventions I'm thankful to be able to keep living. 

This weekend was a funeral one that actually hit close to home. The Nyssa church is the place of most of our family funerals, its almost depressing to go there. But it's also the location of baptisms and other good events. This friend was kind and thoughtful. He helped our family when I was so tired from raising babies. His service was so appreciated. He will be greatly missed. It's odd to be on the downhill side of life where you probably won't live double what age you are now... that's sobering. Time does pass quickly and it does run out. So we are thankful for the repetition of days and the love we share right now. I'm thankful to have people to love, serve, and work with in my home. Life is good and sometimes it makes you take a hard look at where you are going and how you're getting there. 
I vividly remember 9.11 terrorist attacks. We were pregnant with Anna and didn't know her yet. I was recovering from an appendix removal. That was a scary time. For a lot of reasons. But here we are with other worrisome things and we know from experience the world keeps turning and most important is our family and our faith in God who can move mountains and who sustains us with His love and concern. So life is good and short. 

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