Sunday, September 10, 2023

9.10.23 Fair

Fair week started Sunday night after the party. Mark, Addie, John and I stopped to harvest wheat on the way home. After getting the wheat Addie using her new driving skills almost drove into the large siphon thankfully she listened and turned the car before the impact. Ugh teen driving is not for the feint of heart. That night and the next day the kids made bountiful wheat sheaves. Reed harvest some of the wheat growing at our house and also made a sheaf with his brothers picking each stalk to complete the bundle. 
We had bearded wheat, the sheaf below is beardless. 
Working to prepare baked entries. The first banana cake wasn't cooked enough and fell apart. Lia's cookies are the chocolate crinkle. 
Afton wanted donuts. We used one batch of dough to make those, cinamon rolls, and bread. It was really hard to waste such good food on fair entries. 

I made Reed dig some potatoes to enter. 
After we entered the items at the fair, Mark and Bruce got in the canal to help the water carrying capacity by removing the moss. This wasn't a hard job but took some time. Thankfully it was 100 degrees and the canal is clean and shallow. 
The next day Mark found his pig was overweight by 5#. Thankfully grandma and Uncle Kevin bought the pig and Mark was free to help more at home. 

My new stroller was a bit overloaded with these two. We had to change the tires but it was great for getting them around and carrying the assorted stuff that goes with kids away from home. 
Getting ready for chicken weigh in. We have fancy cages as you can see. Andrea wanted to also carry chickens like everyone else. We did not let her. 

At home they also found a way to cool off. 

Livy entered two paintings and got firsts on both. 
Addie with her pig. Her pig came out running and was not workable on the first day so she got a red ribbon in showmanship. 
John looks so serious, this year's chicken judge was very knowledgeable and thorough. 

Millie made some new friends and did well. 
These kids were so happy playing in the dirt. We patted them down every day before getting in the car. 
Livy did well getting a blue each day. 
Reed harvested his first watermelon fair week. 
Ready for bed when spending the night at grandmas. 

The gathering spot for the children at the fair. I was so thankful for this set up. This is where the kids returned and headed to. They were happy for hours. 

At home we had a nice wind storm and rain. 
One of the exhibits gave out developmental babies. Livy made sleeping bags for them. 

We made veggie critters. The vegetables and fruit were beautiful. 
Our bench ground crops never competes with bottom ground. Mark spent all day Monday gathering crops but put Addie's name on quite a few so she got the crop exhibit award. 
Survival and thrift. Everyday I made piles of ham sandwhiches. There were a few pbj but mostly ham. I think we used 10 loaves of bread in those 4 days. 
Best of all Livy and Addie became friends. They palled around every day at fair. They are within 6 months of each other in age. 
The sale is always exciting. Addie is a responsible helper running clipboards to buyers. 
John helps move animals. 
On Saturday Greg went with us to the fair. After all the festivities we were hungry and so tired. I bought food at the grocery store and we sat on my friends grass in the shade and refueled. She visited and loved us. The kids played and we all relaxed. It was a perfect end to a long week. 

 We were blessed and strengthened to make it through the week. I'm sure there were some pivot repairs, it was hot, 5 kids showed and sold animals. I took 5 kids with me to fair for hours everyday. I'm thankful for all who helped us have a successful experience. Life is good. 

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