Friday, September 8, 2023

9.8.23 Rain, Repairs, and Bread

August had some unseasonable rain. We received vast amounts of rain that is hugely unusual. The kids had a good time playing in the rain. The rain lasted for a long time, hours of downpouring summer rain, thus the kids could catch the water. 
Thus so many containers were set out to see how much rain could be gathered. This stems from a youtube video instructing us to make homemade fertilizers using fresh rainwater. When we watched the video I explained to the kids we would have to use well water as we don't get that much rain. This year we got that much rain several times. 

Inside and dry the kids enjoying some down time. 
This was a hilarious moment watching John try to move Mark up the stairs to do some dishes. When Mark doesn't want to be moved he is a rock. A very heavy rock. John is a strong man but this was a real struggle. And yes that is a real smile on Mark, he is being awnry. Oh my guys. 
A job. A big hard job. Maybe this is a shut off valve. Unknown origins bit it failed. Greg, Mark, and Reed replaced it. 
The new shiny silver part with the black small hose coming off is the repair. Add lots of mosquitoes and other assorted discouragements and this is why my kids have confidence. They have done hard things and their dad shows them there is always a solution you just have to keep working and trying until you find the answer. 
I was out at that spot pushing the start buttons and spotted these deer. I was not happy. It was a beautiful evening though. That's one thing about farm life the beauty and calm. There's lots and lots of challenges, sweat, labor, and worry but it is pretty when all those things are conquered. 

My cute helper watching and surviving the hot days. 

Mark wanted to learn to make the good bread like Grandma. So we watched a youtube video a couple times and got this far. I'm still surprised my whole wheat mother makes this often. But it is undeniably delicious and pretty easy to create successful loaves. 

Everyone who had watched the video was excited to taste. 
Addie had brought home the dutch oven to bake the bread. After a lot of scrubbing and a long cook-reseasoning process to sterilize the pan we baked the bread. It was delicious! 
I love that my kids love books. Andrea is hard on them but is often found turning pages. 
We had a pool outing for a friends party. 
Summer was full of learning and working on interests in addition to daily responsibilities and just being together. Life is good and we are blessed. 

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