Tuesday, April 9, 2024

3.9.24 3rd qtr awards and playing

Well 3 quarters down from the school year and it was another round of awards ceremonies. Thanks to the many hours of winter with no other responsibilities the kids had some awards for most lessons passed on ready and ixl. I missed Bruces awards because I got my times confused. A friend shared the picture.

Reed and Millie getting their names on the reading placks. Reed 3500, Millie 1500. These two are always found with their noses in books. 

Everyone got an award, Reed and Millie on Honor Roll, Livy 100% attendance Afton got 5-6 for most lessons passed and citizenship. I'm pleased with the effort and attention they five their school work. 

Then the younger kids and I headed to get groceries and pickup barley seed to plant before the rain. Trailer in tow we managed the walmart parking lot. I couldn't park in the designated area but we walked up and waited for our large dairy order. the kids enjoyed the sunshine and warmth while we waited. This was much more enjoyable for them than sitting in the car. 
I love grocery pickup. I'd dreamed of it when all the kids were little. Now it's a reality and help. I spend less I don't have to battle a heavy cart. It's just lovely. And I Was really proud of myself for managing the trailer in all the traffic with no problems. I'm struck many times a day by how my decision to exercise in the fall has made me better able to manage the reality of lots of kids and moving lots of weight all the time. 
At home Lia, Merle and Andrea decided to go camping. This is their fire and snacks.  

 Life is good these sillies have fun most days all day. There are some squabbles but following where Lia's imagination leads is the norm. 

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