Tuesday, April 16, 2024

4.16.24 Work

I am a visual person and thus my life and thoughts can generally be seen because I see it to remember and track it. Tidiness is a trait we are probably lacking in my family. When we got home from church I smiled to see the lawn yet again littered with shovels and a few bicycles. It's the farming time of year again. The shovels had been put to use the day before. In fact the annual buying of replacement farm tools is a ritual I don't take lightly. A good shovel is imperative to the way we farm. Reed and Livy tried out the different shovels in the store and brought home different versions than I would have. They of course are more experienced so I listen to their assessments and go along. 

I touched on Bruce's energy levels lately. He is a willing and able new spray guy. The weeds are popping up and he emptied several half full backpacks of spray this weekend. We are working on technique but willingness can make up for less than perfect application. And so far he has kept track of his spray gloves. We are all about safety here. 
The days dad stays home a lot of big projects happen. Harold and Reed reattached the pivot and gathered scrap for the scrap bin, then Greg decided to repair a ditchline. With so many able bodies it's hard not to tackle big problems. He attached the dirt carryall and the loader was brought for the major dirt movement then the kids did the fine adjusting and removing dirt from the ditch. 

Friday night the kids had a 4-h meeting where they gave short speeches about their animals. Livy just gave general details of feeding pigs, Millie talked about pig byproducts, and Reed talked about pig taming. 

These beginning experiences talking in front of a group are important. 
We broke out the lawnmower and got busy on that huge task. 
After all this work and togetherness I felt the need to make cookies. Yet a batch of cookies doesn't go far with a big hungry crew,
The younger set who were inside the house got 1.5 cookies a piece. I think they snitched the other 1/2  a cookie before bed. 
 The older kids were at the farm crushing cars with Harold and Greg. The number of kiddos is overwhelming to most, cookie three meals a day this weekend was not a fun process, to say nothing of the laundry and dishes. I was listening to a podcast and they were explaining how creativity is a divine desire and outlet. I have no creativity left in me after all that homemaking. And that doesn't touch on managing the multitude of personalities, levels of desire, and the elements, and animals. Monday's find me very tired. And yet also thankful for the energy and capabilities of those in my home. We are enormously blessed and thankful for this journey and are able to do what has to be done with God's help and by working together. Life is good and we are blessed many times over.  

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