Monday, April 29, 2024

4.25.24 state skills john

It seems like every weekend since March some kid or kids have been somewhere across the state of Oregon. John had his run at the state skills contest a few weeks ago and came home with a medal from the diesel mechanic position contest. 
At home we enjoyed the weather and some time cleaning the garden. 
Annas prayers were answered and we found a very clean nice buick to replace her car that had died at school. We had been looking for months and this one was listed in our town for the price she wanted with low miles. We were thrilled. After some talking and a short test drive and much longer talking Anna had a new used car. 
The skills participants for this year. 

All the same school placed 1,2,3. John got them to bite their metals like olympians do. 
The auto competitions. John got 6. The guy on right Walker got first. Sam standing next to him got 4th and John 6th with the long young man in 9th or 10th. 
Part of his prizes were safety equipment. John was so thrilled he loves stuff like this. I have similar pictures of him when he was 5. 

He also won some tools. 
But really the blue hard hat he told people there is the thing he was most excited about. He told them he'd always wanted a real hard hat. 

This program has inspired a lot of fun and trained skilled workers. There is so much need for people with skills right now. As a mom I know my kids know how to do things. It's hard to send them to college when I'm well aware of the huge need for skilled workers. But those are their choices and we provide training, education, and time to figure it out. As we move from directing to encouraging we too are evolving in our parenting. John is a good guy who has come into his own character this year. We sure love him and are pleased with the young man he has become. Life is good. 


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