Thursday, April 4, 2024

4.4.24 Piggies

We are pig farmers again. We got the fair pigs this weekend which meant the kids had some work to do on the pig pens. The biggest upside to this whole experience is giving the kids something to do that's real and meaningful and time spent together. Bruce had a rough spring break because he was so bored. That's one side effect of school and lots of schedule and learning new things is free time at home is not so fun anymore. We are working to find age appropriate responsibility for him but he had some hard correction because of his poor choices during the week. Seeing pictures of him working on a pig shelter give me some ideas of what to have him do next. 

Afton and Millie are about the same size they are shown moving the water barrel freshly cleaned back to the pig pen.
Reed and Merle freshly securing the door so the pigs don't get out. The bigger kids were all gone, but Reed is a masterful animal guy even if he is still being instructed in patience and kindness with his sisters. 
I was hanging up laundry today and heard the water running. Merle was down in the pen making a mud spot for them. 
He had also fed them a lot of feed. These pigs only need 120-140 more pounds to be fair weight. They will not be eating all day everyday until the fair.Thus, he had to scoop the trough mostly empty.

Instead he can feed them fresh barley grass. Most animals really like barley. It regrows at an amazing rate and consistency. We will be planting more soon. 

HE has a lot of plants to choose from and will be sharing with them quite often I think. 

Well loved pigs grow the biggest. Merle is off to a good start making bigger pigs. 
Reed made sure they had plenty of straw to burrow into. The spring weather is hot then cold and pigs like to be warm so this was good to see also the fair-skinned pigs will suburn so seeing them in the shade was also reassuring. 
Merle was also splashing around in their mud pit. I told him to get out and not do that anymore. Pig stink is unique and strong. He will need a bath when he comes in. Lia was pounding away on something in another pen. This is the goodness of childhood. 
Sunshine, time and space to explore, create, and imagine. I'm amazed we don't get sick from all their animal encounters. I'm thankful for the real need and response of animals to kids. They enjoyed hours outside today showing promises of summer. Life is good we are blessed. 


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