Tuesday, April 2, 2024

4.2.24 Spring break bikes

The kids like burgers and fries. Thankfully we still have some fries from t he great train cleanout last year. Addie went to get it and Merle was told to bring it in the house. IT was too heavy he said so Andrea helped him. 

The bike riders. Alia is 5 and old enough to learn to ride a bike but training wheels disappear soon after they are used. So I bought her a new bike with strict instructions to the other kids to stay off it. Well she loves to be pushed and balanced while she "rides." Thank goodness for an in shape Addie. Oh the beauty of teenagers!!!  Merle runs along his bike and goes all over the farm with it. He has few bounds and listens only sometimes. But daily outside for fresh air was a requirement of spring break so they rode and ran bikes everyday. Country living is so nice. 
Andrea also walked along she is strong and determined. I carried her one day after she made it half way on our walk I figured it was good exercise for me as well. I was so thankful that all the days of weight lifting made it possible to walk the 1/3 of mile with her on my back. 
She loves when she gets a pony tail. Addie gave her an exercise up do so she could see while learning to balance. 

Sometimes I think we should go to other places but really just what has to be done on our farm and home taking these moments to ride fast on bikes they are the good days. Sunrises and sunsets are pretty beautiful again. We see both often. Life is good. 


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