Tuesday, April 23, 2024

4.23.24 Activity days and jam

Last week for activity days we learned about voting. The boys were charged with making skits to promote the best candy bar. The older group did this easily and willingly. The younger group had a very hard time and were pretty reluctant. Finally, we joined the two groups together and they got through a skit. This is the older group they were independent in their design and staging I was impressed. 
The girls were our willing audience. After the skits, the kids took time to vote. Although this activity was very challenging due to the resistance of the younger boys I think it turned out well. The group I worked with with was delightful and very creative. I'm always surprised as kids show their various talents. It's good to have many different opportunities. 
John made me this floral arrangement in his plants class. This was right before he left for his auto skills competitions. 
Lia and Merle are big fans of bread and jam. Their number one requested food is bread and ham. We read the book about Bread and Jam for Frances. This story is about a little girl who refuses to eat the meals her mom makes but just eats bread and jam for 3 days straight. She eventually misses different tastes and goes back to eating meals. This book was an exact fit for Alia. It's fun when an author has captured an experience the child of the time also is going through. 
Life has been overwhelming as per the norm of spring. The kids are doing much good and experiencing a lot of success. The younger kids are enduring and enjoying life for the most part. They like having Anna and Harold home. I'm glad they can know each other a bit as they are in completely different stages of life. The amount of dishes, cooking, and laundry consumes my days with the travel planning, taxes, business, gardening, animals, purchasing etc is just extra. Life is good and full. I would definitely say the windows of heaven are pouring out on us. 

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