Wednesday, April 10, 2024

4.10.24 Banged up

Bruce looked a bit peeked but asked politely to go to school anyway. A few hours later I got the call from the school that he was feeling worse and wanted to come home. We drove out to get him and the kids played while I chatted for a few minutes with the new and old librarians. Ladies who have really shaped my children's world views. When we finished our visit I was walking toward the exit doors and Reed came in holding Andrea covered in blood. The entire right side of her face was bloody as were her hands. I took her from him and went to the bathroom to begin assessment and cleanup. One of Livy's friends came in asking if Andrea was ok? I told her yes it was just a head wound and those always bleed a lot that she would be just fine. The girl returned to class. After water and paper towels we discovered the source of blood. The scratch on her eyelid. It wasn't too painful and she let me clean the face without much trouble. I talked to the class and reassured them she would be ok. They had been watching out the windows. Although no one could really explain what happened. 
Outside we found a single drop of blood at a step on the big play toy. Maybe she tripped and hit the step? 
I was able to get a very rare day of-need appointment with the doctor. Bruce, Andrea and I went to the doctor for two hours to check if Bruce had strep. He did not. I asked the doctor what she would do with the still weeping cut? The medical assistant came in with steri strips and iodine and cleaned the cut then securely fastened two pieces of tape on the eye. The weeping leaked down the tape but the tape held. 
Last night Andrea went to sleep early and this morning woke up no complaints. She has not picked at the tape and seems resigned to it on her face. Millie of course loved the hours of loving Andrea and read a few more hundred pages of her book. I was out with the big kids and working on dinner stuff. 
Life is busy and full right now. Too full. But until we reign in the source of busyness life will just roll on. We are about to break ground and that will add a lot more responsibility to each day. Somehow it will all work out. We are blessed. 

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