Monday, April 1, 2024

4.1.24 Easter

The recent suggestions from President Nelson asking church members to focus more on Easter and raising to a holiday more like Christmas has caused a lot of thinking. Last year I tried the Easter tree. This year it just wasn't worth it. We did speak of Christ and the Holy Week throughout the week but coming right out of FFA Convention mode I wasn't ready for the Holy thinking. It was a contemplative week for sure. With spring break layered on top and the looming springtime, there were many expectations. 
Coming down from the convention and feeling very much like I let Mark down, it was a hard week. I think of myself as a good writer, not always evident here, but still with some polish and attention to detail I think I do well. To be judged differently is hard. Very hard, and coupled with your kid being so disappointed it is very uncomfortable. Midweek a teacher asked for a letter of recommendation for their State Teacher of the Year nomination. I'm still formulating that and hoping I can come through for her. 
So one activity that is part of our easter is filling eggs. The kids really enjoyed this and were delighted when we thought only some of our candy varieties would fit in the eggs. Thus free sampling!
Addie persevered like she always does and found a way to squish and fold all the candy to fit the eggs. So we pulled candy from hands and stuffed it in plastic eggs. 

Andrea thought this was a great activity and was happy that we had a box of candy on the table for the next 4 days. I had to buy one bag of candy as a replacement for what she and Lia ate. I found some eggs refilled with marshmallows. 

We donated about half to the community easter egg hunt as a community service. The other went to the family easter party. 
Easter day we had bunny-shaped pancakes with blueberry noses and eyes. We added maple syrup whip cream and coconut in layers to make the rabbit. 
The easter party was hosted by my parents at their new house. Everyone fit, no thing was broken, and we all had a nice afternoon. And there was plenty of candy and sticky hands for all. 
Back at home Merle and Andrea wanted to be held and held they were not sleepy at all. Andrea was playing on my phone and Merle wanted a picture. Such problems to have. So we snapped a picture and then demanded they go to bed. 

 And thus starts another week! Another season down. The sacrament meeting was profound and beautiful I really like when there are more speakers speaking shorter. The musical numbers were powerful and well done. The speakers and singers were mostly youth and children. Addie spoke about Gethsemane, a friend spoke about the cross and how the last moments when Christ called out "My God My god why hast thou forsaken me?" It was the only time anyone had truly been alone on earth because Jesus is always with us if we let him. That we never have to be alone. I thought that was profound.

We had a good conversation while tasting grape juice and tortillas for activity days. We sang songs and talked about the last supper, the atonement, and the resurrection. I really enjoyed the spirit of talking about Jesus with the boys. We always start with a moving activity then the actual project then another moving activity. The boys are less squirrelly that way.  
At home, we watched the videos of the same events including Christ appearing in the Americas. It was good. 
It's always good to think, talk, and follow Jesus. We are blessed to know Him and by His great gifts and examples. Life is good. 

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