Wednesday, April 3, 2024

4.3.24 Boise museum

 The younger kids love to look at some picture books I have of the older kids at their ages. One place that has captivated them is the Baker History Museum and Burger Bob's big milkshakes. I have been wanting to take them to Baker for a while but the museum is closed for the winter and the interpretive center is also closed. Finally, the City Museum opened but I decided Boise was closer and I could get more accomplished going to Boise than Baker. So Friday we loaded up after a quick final sort of stuff to drop off at the donations center and we headed to Boise. For these farm kids going to see all the sites along the way is an experience. From all the cars to the multistory buildings, to the huge shopping center, they were gawking. We stopped at Winco in Boise to buy lunch supplies because I knew all they would say in the museum was how hungry they were if not fed before entering. So sandwiches chips and fruit for lunch in the park. 

The museum was pretty great. I think Greg would really enjoy it without kids so we could actually read the exhibits. I did not read much mostly just broke up fights and kept track of everyone. 
It was pretty interesting though and had several interactive portions. 
We were surprised to find a whole room display about Bob Hope.  I have no idea what the connection was but the kids did stop and watch a movie about him. I loved him as a kid. 
Downstairs they had a small model steam engine with sound effects the kids really enjoyed. 

And the one exhibit I wanted them to see the two-headed calf. I remembered this from when I went as a child long ago. 

When I got home Mark and Greg informed me our local vet clinic also has a stuffed two-headed calf. I was bummed we may have just done there and got milkshakes in town. Oh well, we got rid of a lot of excess at the donation center. 

The kids had a good time looking and learning a little. It's a lot to keep the 7 headed in the same direction. We had a good time though and enjoyed milkshakes at home. As inflation keeps driving prices up I'm trying to teach the kids how buying at the grocery store is more economical than the fast food places. So we had our bucket of ice cream bought for $6.00 and milkshakes for 10. Instead of $10 milkshakes at $5.00  a piece. And we got home sooner! Life is good. 

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