Sunday, April 7, 2024

4.7.24 Winning Speaking

We had another jaunt across the state this weekend for the annual American Legion Oratorical contest. Addie was reluctant, to say the least and was there to please her dad. We arrived in the daylight because we traveled early in case the roads were unfavorable. Thankfully there were no hazards to our journey, besides the many cars on the road. We saw more cars on this trip than all of the other 4-6 trips we've made in the last 2 years. After a nice rest at the hotel, we had one less practice session. 
All warmed up we went to the legion hall where we dropped Addie off and we headed to Walmart. The nice optometrist tech assured me that my very mangled unusable glasses could be repaired. Somehow they had fallen off the nightstand and Addie's feet had found them in the morning. I need my glasses for day-to-day living. I was beyond relieved and thankful when after a mere 10 minutes the technician had them better than before.  They weren't constantly sliding down my nose and were tight and secure as glasses should be. She would not accept payment but we thanked her again and again for her service.
We arrived back at the legion hall to find only three contestants of the possible ten. At the last minute, the young man arrived unbeknownst to anyone, and the candidates were whisked away to seclusion so the contest could start. After more than an hour of speaking the judge's scores were tallied and the results were read. The pictures were taken. 
I thought this was a fair ranking. The top girl shown had an interesting speech and her amendment was also full of information. The second girl was a more clear speaker and mastered the use of the pause I found her information less strong, but still she did a good job. Addie had a very optimistic patriotic speech and she was the best presenter. Her voice fluctuated and had emotion, she controlled her body movements and did a fine job presenting. Her amendment is sweet and wholesome while also addressing the components of the 5th Amendment. The young man forgot his speech and really struggled, but he did not quit and made the time requirements. 
As the results were announced two lady judges behind us said that's not right we had your daughter first. I shrugged my shoulders anything can and does happen at these events. Well, the head of the state stopped the meeting and said I need to talk to you the contest director. She came to the back of the room and they clarified the writing on the paper. She then announced that Addie had won and switched her and the other redhead the one they first announced as the winner. 
Oh, that was a hard moment for all involved. There was no clear stand-out winner in my mind. I knew the boy was 4th but the girls all had different strengths and weaknesses. Honestly, Addie was absolutely fine with 3rd. This picture was about as fast and as ceremonious as the correction was. The new 3rd place was extremely poised and gracious. We had visited with her and her family for the past two years and are not gleeful at the swap. But it stands as it was corrected. We spoke with and thanked the many legionnaires who spoke to us. It is a generous scholarship offering. 
I demanded one picture of Addie and her dad who spurs this participation on. We have a lot of figuring out to do. State track is two days before, and the coach thinks they may have a chance to win state as a team. I think that's a really big if. Graduation is on the final day of the speaking competition. However, the competition is also great preparation for going further in FFA. There is little to no money in the FFA speaking competition, but your peers are around and have a small understanding of what you are doing. American Legion is pretty lonely and not familiar to any other kids- hence the reason for winning the scholarships. A lot to weigh and work out. We are trying to agree, support, and advise, through the murky water of our own understanding, her desires and abilities, and many out-of-our-control variables. 
We got on the road, and when the business of travel is over my heart longs for home and I have no desire to linger far away. We found this on top of the blues. Thankfully the road was clear but there was a fresh few inches of snow from the night. 
Out on the high desert, there were many signs a lot of water being laid down on the vast prairies. Addie was getting driving experience and I was very thankful we were not in any too hard-to-handle situations. The road kept skirting the water deposits and besides navigating corners and the one car she passed the road was just long and open. 

There are many differences between the two pictures. Team and peer support are becoming more obvious motivators of participation. From running relays to the Ag Issues team, Addie likes to work with and for her peers. 

This banner and the top honors at American Legion worked hand in hand. I don't know what she will choose, I'm sure there will be a lot of fireworks in the future. And maybe a very happy 2nd place winner going to Nationals. I'm pleased with the way she has challenged herself in all areas of high school competition and learning. She has grown so much and gained confidence in the two years she has been in high school. At this rate, I'm sure there are many more banners and awards coming. We just try to hold on for the ride and give her space and counsel that helps her continue to succeed. We are blessed. 


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