Friday, August 2, 2024

8.3.24 Elder Saunders

I love P-day it's so good to hear their voices and see their pictures from the week. This is his first companion. He is also the district leader John accompanies him to all the coordinating meetings and keeps track of the elders in their district right now. While on the phone call today I watched him teach some 2 days new elders some of the rules and protocol for elders and how they spend their time. 
John said these two like to joke and tease each other. His companion came with letters for bench marks in his mission, other elders mom's send cookies often. It's hard to keep up with all the thoughtful gift givers in mission life. 

First p-day talking with the other kids. 
On the left is Elder Judd who is the enthustastic part of their district. They are showing off their ties which they have been trading around. So the ties I sent, have been traded for others he likes more. The elder on his right is the shortest in the district John nicknamed him little steps and learned the accompanying sign language to call him that. The MTC is a fun place of excitment and getting comfortable living as a servant of the Lord. It's fun to see the other Elders come in and out of the phone calls we have. 
John showing off his new hair cut. I wasn't sure how to style it so I told him to just wait until he got to the MTC. 

A new part of missionary service is increased temple attendance. Because the Provo temple is torn down at the moment the missionaries ride busses to either the Mt. Timpanogas or Payson Utah temple. 

Always when we called Big John at home he would say "Who? My name is just John." Now with a new group of peers who are paying attention or not during the hours of classes he is embracing Big John. After another 3 hour session this was the end result. 
More fun times with the elders. All are pretty big guys. 
John will be praying at the weekly MTC devotional on Sunday.  One fun sidenote the elder on the left with another on his shoulders scraped his arm while playing a game. The wound is slow in healing and opened recently. John had two rolls of guaze tape he bandaged the elder and helped him keep going. He also doctored his companion who had a headache recently. I love that his first aid training that was so interesting in his early teenage years continues to be put to use. He ships out on Monday and will be training next week at the mission home then out with a trainer with continued on the ground support and learning. I was happy to learn that he will be able to go the temple each transfer and that a lot of the mission is rural Texas. I was also happy to hear that he is using the duolingo app to practice spanish. Hes a kind big hearted man and I'm thankful to be his mom, to have a front seat watching him grow. Life is good and we are so blessed. 

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