Friday, June 28, 2024

6.28.24 Ditch repair

 The up-and-down heat and mostly cooler June led to this abundant blooming on my mother in laws roses. I care for them because I love roses. This was an impressive first showing. The red roses have a heavenly smell. 

The kids found this frog while working on a ditch repair. He put on quite a show swimming up and down the ditch from them. 
Greg loves to work with his kids and they love the time with him. Early Saturday morning work began fixing the ditch that was too low and keep washing out. 
Millie and Bruce shoveled dirt for the bank while Mark and Reed worked on the cement replacement. 
The excessive moss in the water causes the tubes to stop then the extra unused water goes over the low spots in the ditch. Hopefully, these extra four inches will preserve the bank and save the corn. Moss is a major challenge in the water season. From checking the running water every 2 hours during the day to late night and early morning checks we are always watching water. 

I'm always impressed with all the things Greg knows how to do and teaches his children to do. We rarely call someone to fix what is a problem at our house. That means it has to wait until we have time or we have to find solutions but I would say my most often phrase is "be a problem solver,." That's just what Greg is and does all day every day. These are the best times in our family. When we are all working together to make life better and everyone has a part to play. That's foundational to team building, a focused outside problem that the team has to solved, requiring contribution by all in the group. That's what the farm provides for us daily challenges that we work together to solve or manage. Life is good even if it's hot and dirty and hard. We are blessed.

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