Monday, June 30, 2014

6.30.14 Harold

He's showing glimmers of greatness every so often this summer. He loved to make the Krustez pancakes, the bag ran out and I'm having a real moral struggle as to whether to buy more or not. He would whip up enough for our crowd in a few minutes. The cakes were all happily consumed by his siblings, quickly.

Yep even store bought high fructose corn syrup to pour on top. Fuel for hard working kiddos. Actually the pride and accomplishment on his face is the main reason I would consider it again. Might have to compromise and let him use white flour in making homemade mix. Dilemma's might they all be so small.

-- I'm a whole wheat grind it and make it kind of cook as a general rule, but as the kids get bigger, hungrier all the time and my presence is stretched into other places it's becoming more of a nice thought than a hard rule.-- 

He also surprised me by taking to the new piano book I bought as a last hope of getting them to practice this summer. He sat right down and got to figuring out the notes and now has three pages pretty good of the 5 page Go the Distance from Hercules. Wow! He loves different and audiences and the promise of practicing on Grandma's concert grand piano has really made him try. So interesting what will make him go. He's a fun quiet kid who is very talented at making things, loves babies, and has a smile that lights up the room, he's the resident muscles at our house my go to guy that does the heavy lifting and fixing things. I'm so thankful he's in my family.

6.26.14 Killigans

On our weekly run to town we were almost done and had some extra time. I cleared it with the boss and was given permission to take the kids to a real restraunt as a reward/feast for their scholarly efforts. We generally do the jack-n-the-box route when we are in town at lunch time. However, I decided to splurge because I am truly proud of my children and want them to know that we recognize their efforts and work.

The local sizzler is under the generic name of Killigans. The all you can eat salad bar is a fun experience for kiddos so we headed there. The kids loved the spaghetti, watermelon, and anxiously eyed the ice cream bar. It was fun for them to get to choose their plates and to get plate after plate to fill.

Millie liked the bowls better than plates

We were off course the only children in the place so it was a bit nerve wracking as the seniors in the would raise an eyebrow or look then talk to each other about our crowd. But surprisingly enough as they were finishing they came and congratulated the kids on being so mannerly and polite. I was surprised and grateful. It was one of those Phew and YES moments. A little while later, another couple, after confirming these were all my children, voiced their admiration and appreciation that the kids were so good as well. Double YES! Moments like those add fuel to my fire that this is a good thing and while we are totally different, we are ok.

I had instructed Anna to take some pictures while there- I must have been getting my plate quickly because I didn't see any of this but it does make one wonder... Oh well I guess we also provided some chuckles.
My pirate knife loving son. Who's obviously straight up hillbillie!

Monkey See Monkey Do!

His brains must have been snagged in all his dinging around.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6.25.14 Big Development

Ms. Millie has developed into a climbing monkey. I was a bit clueless as to how she kept getting on the table to eat cherries but after consciously setting her down by a chair and then noticing she was on the chair I realized my little baby is getting to be quite a big girl.

I immediately set her back down on the floor and she immediately pulled herself back up the chair and into standing position. Too big for her britches comes to mind.

See the "spotter" hands. He was making sure she did it right.

Oh well thankful she is not developmentally delayed. With 7 aggressive personal trainers and rewards like all you can eat cherries who wouldn't be motivated to move? She is standing and Anna and Harold are working on making her take steps. Yes babyhood is not allowed for long here. Fine with me- I think. She has been a pleasant baby. I kinda think the activity, love, example, and encouragement of the older ones has made these younger babies a little easier. But maybe it's just the diversity and realization it goes faster than it seemed in the beginning. Either way she is moving on and up. Now for lots of bumps and being more alert to where I put things and where she gets to.
And sometimes mom throws a curve ball. I pushed in the chairs to discourage climbing she was perplexed as to why she could not straighten out. She will learn, she did get down or maybe Reed pulled out the chair so she could get up. Mom-1 Millie-1.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

6.24.14 A sleepover

A few years ago we girls decided that when the boys left for fathers and sons we should do something fun too. So we went to my recently widowed grandmother's house and spent the night. For my kids who don't sleepover very often it was a real treat. We did fun things like go out to breakfast and watch a movie. It was a great time doing something different. I love watching my daughters enjoy experiences I had with my grandmother when I was younger.

My grandmother sparked this reading love we all have. I remember loving to sit in her comfortable quiet living room and reading through all the interesting magazines she had. Ones we didn't have at home and ones that taught me how to do a french twist and how to apply lipstick with liner to enhance the lip. It was mostly nice to read uninterupted in such comfortable perfect fit chairs.  My girls discovered the chairs this time.
This is my grandma Corn. She is the kind of person I work to be. From not worrying too much about housekeeping, to being kind and interested in helping others believe in themselves and develop their talents she is fun, interesting, kind, smart, and always positive. She is a major reason I have the confidence I do today.

Grandma took us to dinner. She said I deserved a break. She loves to eat out and doesn't love to cook, although she is good at it. I like to eat out and it was a nice break. The girls loved the huge pile of french fries and enjoyed teaching and playing tic-tac-toe with grandma while we waited. After our movie, Addie was insistent that she was going to sleep alone. She ended up talking with grandma in her bed and eventually falling asleep, Aliza got to sleep alone. I slept with the very wiggly little girls. Next morning fabulous Uncle Kevin showed up with warm soft fresh donuts from the best donut bakery around. YUM! Addie thought this was the perfect start to the day. We enjoyed donuts and bananas then cleaned up enjoyed the chairs and said goodbye. 

Monday, June 23, 2014

6.23.14 A Big Bowlful of Cherries

Greg loves fresh fruit. Really loves it. His answer to any food question is pie, fruit, and steak. In that order. So when a friend sends word out her orchard owning dad is bringing fresh fruit Greg is one of her largest orders- which is also why he needs a pickup. Not for milk in snow storms but for bushels and bushels of fruit. I'm not kidding. As my children have been raised on such fine cuisine they also love fresh fruit, hence the need for bushels of it. Millie is no exception to this rule and I guess on the good side it is teaching her balance and giving her good vitamins.
Balancing while eating cherries. Look at those muscles. All hard things are easier when there is a sweet distraction!
She and Livy have probably ate their weight of the delicious juicy blood red cherries.
She found these while I was outside. I wasn't really intending for her to eat them. She was in heaven.

Livy was obviously helping her enjoy this 28 lb box. They only ate about 5 lbs.

My husband is so good to us, he shares his good judgements with us and helps us find the better things in life.
Reed-o ready to play. He's such a funny duck. 4 is a good age.

Monday, June 16, 2014

6.16.14 Cinnamon Rolls

I realized after church last week that the coming Sunday (yesterday) was Father's Day. I also realized that somethign should be done for the fathers/men in our ward. After deliberation with Greg on his choice it was determined cinnamon rolls would be the best and most cost effective. I called a few friends and we set up a baking instruction party.

Friday came and so did my friends.  I had made a batch of dough before they got there so we would have one ready to roll after learning how my friend, a professional baker, made her dough. We watched and asked questions and I learned a lot. When her dough is done about 30 minutes of kneading in the Bosch, she pours about 1/2 a C of oil in a bowl transfers her dough from mixer to dough turns to coat with oil and puts it in a warm place to raise. AS it was a cool day I turned the oven on and slid the dough in there. It takes a few minutes to warm up so I walked away and showed the ladies how I make my cinnamon rolls. After we got them made and instructed a learner in her first time preapring and rolling the dough I realized my mistake.

 I didn't stop the oven from cooking the dough. Oh NO! So my friend made another batch. And we slowly cooked a large lump of  sweet dough.
Thank goodness she oiled the pan so well and it was the metal bowl not the Tupperware ones I usually use.
It was yummy dough but such a sad waste of ingredients.

My method and dough. Roll with rolling pin on lightly floured surface spread with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and flour. Cut with knife place on cookie sheet and squish down. Let raise and bake.

Her rolls. Dough is patted into rectangle this allows for different thickness of dough which results in various roll design. She used a lot more sugar 2 lbs per patted out batch and she patted her dough all at once. I divide mine into 2 sections. As she rolled some were skinny and some were larger I don't like lots dough so I like mine more even.
The final result was a lot of really delicious rolls and very happy men. It is so interesting when I cook with others that while we have very different procedures, approaches and rationale it all works out. We had three different cooks and recipes and many different rollers and they were all happily consumed. It was a good project and so nice to visit with friends and have help since I was not thinking all the way full speed that day.

Probably the best part of this whole Relief Society Opportunity is the chance I have to share more of my life with others. By spending time with them, praying for them, inviting them into my life, and loving them in theirs. Just like these rolls they were different but the same and they were all good!
My big youngest son helping himself to some jam with bread.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

6.12.14 Farm Lessons

I was quietly sitting snuggling the girls after their naps and noticed the kids had been playing farm again on the floor. It's funny to me that kids play what they know. As I looked a little closer and was chuckling at their cleaver use of VCR tapes I realized something was unusual about the way the animals were placed.

Can you see it? Yep Mark my serious Mr. Real has all the bulls lined up behind the cows. Of course each is breed specific he was very clear in his request a few years ago that he had proper pure breeding going on and need a Holstein bull and a red cow do go with his long horn bull.

It's not the birds and the bees here it is the bulls and cows and hens and chickens. It's all very front and center. We were reviewing the primary lessons Sunday, the ten commandments, and of course what is adultry? Greg started it so I let him finish it, he has skipped the TALK wiht the kids here so it was humorous to watch him figure out how to make it appropriate and yet understandable.
kid- "Why isn't it okay to sleep with your brother?"
mom- "Well it's not sleeping...with your brother right now it's okay..."
kid- "Well then what are they doing that's wrong..."
teen- "Ohhhh -eyes wide- I get it.!!"
I couldn't capture the delighted smile on Millie's face as she made it her way.

Ahh killer cyclone or disease all animals dead or playing dead at the presence of predators :)

Well the little girls are not up to speed on the farm life and just enjoy playing or making a mess to get a reaction from the older kids. Or just need a larger access than the small alleys they are left. Oh well. I'm sure it will show up and come up again. We are all over Reality learning here. Best to you today.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6.11.14 Just a little Something Extra

About a month ago we were asked to meet with our bishop. He said he had been putting it off for months but he just had to do it after repeated confirmations. He asked me to be our ward's relief society president. Yep I felt kinda like this
But honestly I was kind of excited too. I mean I really like the people in my ward and I love visiting others and I have often wondered if I would ever get a chance, because I am obviously busy with family stuff. Not coveting or seeking just wondering. So when he asked I thought back to when he said he received the impression to call me. It was one of the worst weekends of my life. Stake conference- the weekend of the UTI and the clothes shopping and the personal mental crash into a pity party. I thought that was a very interesting parallel.

After stewing for a month it was announced and voted on on Sunday. I was honestly really worried people wouldn't vote for me. They did I guess, I didn't turn around. We sit in a front pew. I didn't hear a lot of gasping but have received a lot of condolences with some congratulations. I guess what do you really say? Some very kind offers of doing anything to help and some ha-ha as if you didn't have enough to do. Yes I have pondered all these things in my waiting time. I'm not a good waiter. I don't like anticipating I like to face it and figure it out.

With that month I attempted to teach my kids more cooking skills and recipes. Anna has mastered cookies, Aliza potatoes, and a few other things oh Harold is the Krustez pancake King.... hmmm. I'm excited to do this. I'm excited to get to know people more and to be more in tune with their needs. I'm excited to teach my children to care and serve and think bigger than them and right now. And it's been good to study with purpose and receive direction in so directly.

So while I of course would rather sit and read like my kids do. I'm thankful to be given a chance to grow and stretch some more. To learn more from others and to help chart my course from the good and hard I see. 
Results of mom on the phone for lots of hours little finishing of chores but lots of projects!

Waiting for his squishy white bread pbj sandwhich. Aliza loves sliced bread. Must admit it is the handiest thing!

Library Day today. Love that they are so engrossed. Bad that not much else happens. Win some you loose some.

So as I keep reassuring everyone, maybe myself most of all, I can do this. I will do this. It's going to be different and obviously some things are going to have to go. Christ counseled Martha to choose the better part. Caring for others has been a conscience choice Greg and I made a LONG time ago. So my floors aren't perfect and my windows are smudged but we eat- anything we can find-
Reed was sharing the M & M's out of the trail mix with his sisters while I worked the phones and texts.
Self-reliance is a good thing. :) And I'm thankful, I think, to have two phones and a computer to text, talk, email, and the like simultaneously. It's all good. So far I have taken the time to snuggle my kids and to take care of me and so if I can keep things in order and not loose my focus or deliberate actions it will be a good time. I pray to share the compassion and love of Christ with the sisters and help them to know their worth as literal Daughters of God. Those two key witnesses make all the difference in how we live, control, and maintain our lives.
Good night. Time to rest.

6.10.14 Making a Splash!

Sometimes life is just real. Tonight we went swimming. We had a great time. Anna and Harold stayed home with Millie and Reed. Millie cuz' she's little and Reed cuz he was bleeding from a very recent injury. I am focusing on swimming with Addie and Mark. We do swim time instead of lessons, because it takes a certain amount of water comfort and just being in the water to really swim.  It was nice to have an excuse to leave the littlist home. Anna and Harold were finishing up their consequences for not being nice earlier.

That said it was very fun. Mark is really getting it. Addie was much less scared and this little girl was a fish. It was all I could do hold onto her. She is just that fearless age that is excited and ready to GO! After a mere 45 minutes of fun we were proceeding to leave and just as we got to the steps of the pool- YAK! Throw up in the water. Oh my!! Well I couldn't exactly hide so I went and told the life guards and while trying to get the right words out she exploded again on a little girl who was buying a popsicle. I finally got my bearings and requested a garbage can and Livy continued to unload. Got her to the dressing room while the very kind and calm lifeguards cleared the pool. Watched them help the unfortunate little girl shower off and kept livy in a stall puking till she was good.

Oh the fun of being the mom! Really can we ever go back to the pool? Are we gaining a reputation for being that family that makes a scene? Hope not.

Anyway I was very impressed with how calm the lifeguard girls were and how nonchalant they handled it all. I just rinsed Livy off, returned the used garbage can,  and walked out. Didn't know what else to do? I plan on having Anna make some of her FABULOUS chocolate cookies later in the week and dropping them by with a thank you. So chin up, it could be worse and it was really good. Funny how quick life flip flops. She has been fine since. Anna had warm brownies waiting when we got home and Livy found those the perfect medicine for the waterlogged tummy. Of course.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

6.6.14 I feel successful when

My children are learning new things. Harold has a new scout leader. This man is experienced, excited and really knows his stuff. Harold was able to catch his first fish, and brought home some extra. Never having experienced fresh fish as the mom a quick phone call to a more experienced friend gave me instructions and after a quick dash to grandma's store we had some yummy fish- in addition to our regularly scheduled dinner.
He's always trying to make me smile. He is a goon!

A very proud new angler.

They honestly found it more fun to investigate and play with the skeleton than eat. But they all had to try a bite.

We were not planning on fish and I had promised a fire and smores event if the kids would do their chores. Greg got home in time to share his eagle scout skills in making us a roasting worthy fire. He's such a great guy to have around. It's summer so we could wait till he got here!

Mostly though because we were inside pursuing our art hobby.
Making rocket drawings. Love the site

The little girls were up to mischief in the nail polish box. Two means trouble!!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

6.5.14 Growing up

The kiddos are growing up. Phew and sad. I never thought I would miss those days of isolation and frustration and crying. Lots of crying. But I do. I sorted through the clothes boxes and it was so hard to get rid of clothes how vividly I remembered Aliza dressed up in this dress or those shorts, or Harold in that outfit. I felt like I was throwing away their childhood. It was very emotional, but I do feel better knowing we are a bit less cluttered. Aliza and I were attempting the 40 day challenge found HERE

But it is fun to watch them become the big kid in the pictures and to get to know them again each summer. To be surprised at their growth and their developing personalities, to find as they grow that the basic personality is not changing just finding better, more complicated or contrived ways to express itself. Same as it was before being born and probably part of their immortal existence.
My poser. It's always interesting to see what pictures I find of Addie on my phone.

Her preferred way to eat. She likes to show me she is big and can do things her way. I know I know!

My strong willed wild children. Life is good when it is their way. Life is crabby when mom tries to interfere.

Reed helping dad and uncle Kevin. He is getting to be a big strong, reliable boy. He's a joy to have in our home.