Saturday, June 7, 2014

6.6.14 I feel successful when

My children are learning new things. Harold has a new scout leader. This man is experienced, excited and really knows his stuff. Harold was able to catch his first fish, and brought home some extra. Never having experienced fresh fish as the mom a quick phone call to a more experienced friend gave me instructions and after a quick dash to grandma's store we had some yummy fish- in addition to our regularly scheduled dinner.
He's always trying to make me smile. He is a goon!

A very proud new angler.

They honestly found it more fun to investigate and play with the skeleton than eat. But they all had to try a bite.

We were not planning on fish and I had promised a fire and smores event if the kids would do their chores. Greg got home in time to share his eagle scout skills in making us a roasting worthy fire. He's such a great guy to have around. It's summer so we could wait till he got here!

Mostly though because we were inside pursuing our art hobby.
Making rocket drawings. Love the site

The little girls were up to mischief in the nail polish box. Two means trouble!!

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