Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6.25.14 Big Development

Ms. Millie has developed into a climbing monkey. I was a bit clueless as to how she kept getting on the table to eat cherries but after consciously setting her down by a chair and then noticing she was on the chair I realized my little baby is getting to be quite a big girl.

I immediately set her back down on the floor and she immediately pulled herself back up the chair and into standing position. Too big for her britches comes to mind.

See the "spotter" hands. He was making sure she did it right.

Oh well thankful she is not developmentally delayed. With 7 aggressive personal trainers and rewards like all you can eat cherries who wouldn't be motivated to move? She is standing and Anna and Harold are working on making her take steps. Yes babyhood is not allowed for long here. Fine with me- I think. She has been a pleasant baby. I kinda think the activity, love, example, and encouragement of the older ones has made these younger babies a little easier. But maybe it's just the diversity and realization it goes faster than it seemed in the beginning. Either way she is moving on and up. Now for lots of bumps and being more alert to where I put things and where she gets to.
And sometimes mom throws a curve ball. I pushed in the chairs to discourage climbing she was perplexed as to why she could not straighten out. She will learn, she did get down or maybe Reed pulled out the chair so she could get up. Mom-1 Millie-1.

1 comment:

  1. She is looking so much older! What a climber. We are excited to see you next week.
