Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6.10.14 Making a Splash!

Sometimes life is just real. Tonight we went swimming. We had a great time. Anna and Harold stayed home with Millie and Reed. Millie cuz' she's little and Reed cuz he was bleeding from a very recent injury. I am focusing on swimming with Addie and Mark. We do swim time instead of lessons, because it takes a certain amount of water comfort and just being in the water to really swim.  It was nice to have an excuse to leave the littlist home. Anna and Harold were finishing up their consequences for not being nice earlier.

That said it was very fun. Mark is really getting it. Addie was much less scared and this little girl was a fish. It was all I could do hold onto her. She is just that fearless age that is excited and ready to GO! After a mere 45 minutes of fun we were proceeding to leave and just as we got to the steps of the pool- YAK! Throw up in the water. Oh my!! Well I couldn't exactly hide so I went and told the life guards and while trying to get the right words out she exploded again on a little girl who was buying a popsicle. I finally got my bearings and requested a garbage can and Livy continued to unload. Got her to the dressing room while the very kind and calm lifeguards cleared the pool. Watched them help the unfortunate little girl shower off and kept livy in a stall puking till she was good.

Oh the fun of being the mom! Really can we ever go back to the pool? Are we gaining a reputation for being that family that makes a scene? Hope not.

Anyway I was very impressed with how calm the lifeguard girls were and how nonchalant they handled it all. I just rinsed Livy off, returned the used garbage can,  and walked out. Didn't know what else to do? I plan on having Anna make some of her FABULOUS chocolate cookies later in the week and dropping them by with a thank you. So chin up, it could be worse and it was really good. Funny how quick life flip flops. She has been fine since. Anna had warm brownies waiting when we got home and Livy found those the perfect medicine for the waterlogged tummy. Of course.

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