Monday, June 23, 2014

6.23.14 A Big Bowlful of Cherries

Greg loves fresh fruit. Really loves it. His answer to any food question is pie, fruit, and steak. In that order. So when a friend sends word out her orchard owning dad is bringing fresh fruit Greg is one of her largest orders- which is also why he needs a pickup. Not for milk in snow storms but for bushels and bushels of fruit. I'm not kidding. As my children have been raised on such fine cuisine they also love fresh fruit, hence the need for bushels of it. Millie is no exception to this rule and I guess on the good side it is teaching her balance and giving her good vitamins.
Balancing while eating cherries. Look at those muscles. All hard things are easier when there is a sweet distraction!
She and Livy have probably ate their weight of the delicious juicy blood red cherries.
She found these while I was outside. I wasn't really intending for her to eat them. She was in heaven.

Livy was obviously helping her enjoy this 28 lb box. They only ate about 5 lbs.

My husband is so good to us, he shares his good judgements with us and helps us find the better things in life.
Reed-o ready to play. He's such a funny duck. 4 is a good age.

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