Monday, June 16, 2014

6.16.14 Cinnamon Rolls

I realized after church last week that the coming Sunday (yesterday) was Father's Day. I also realized that somethign should be done for the fathers/men in our ward. After deliberation with Greg on his choice it was determined cinnamon rolls would be the best and most cost effective. I called a few friends and we set up a baking instruction party.

Friday came and so did my friends.  I had made a batch of dough before they got there so we would have one ready to roll after learning how my friend, a professional baker, made her dough. We watched and asked questions and I learned a lot. When her dough is done about 30 minutes of kneading in the Bosch, she pours about 1/2 a C of oil in a bowl transfers her dough from mixer to dough turns to coat with oil and puts it in a warm place to raise. AS it was a cool day I turned the oven on and slid the dough in there. It takes a few minutes to warm up so I walked away and showed the ladies how I make my cinnamon rolls. After we got them made and instructed a learner in her first time preapring and rolling the dough I realized my mistake.

 I didn't stop the oven from cooking the dough. Oh NO! So my friend made another batch. And we slowly cooked a large lump of  sweet dough.
Thank goodness she oiled the pan so well and it was the metal bowl not the Tupperware ones I usually use.
It was yummy dough but such a sad waste of ingredients.

My method and dough. Roll with rolling pin on lightly floured surface spread with butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and flour. Cut with knife place on cookie sheet and squish down. Let raise and bake.

Her rolls. Dough is patted into rectangle this allows for different thickness of dough which results in various roll design. She used a lot more sugar 2 lbs per patted out batch and she patted her dough all at once. I divide mine into 2 sections. As she rolled some were skinny and some were larger I don't like lots dough so I like mine more even.
The final result was a lot of really delicious rolls and very happy men. It is so interesting when I cook with others that while we have very different procedures, approaches and rationale it all works out. We had three different cooks and recipes and many different rollers and they were all happily consumed. It was a good project and so nice to visit with friends and have help since I was not thinking all the way full speed that day.

Probably the best part of this whole Relief Society Opportunity is the chance I have to share more of my life with others. By spending time with them, praying for them, inviting them into my life, and loving them in theirs. Just like these rolls they were different but the same and they were all good!
My big youngest son helping himself to some jam with bread.

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