Saturday, June 14, 2014

6.12.14 Farm Lessons

I was quietly sitting snuggling the girls after their naps and noticed the kids had been playing farm again on the floor. It's funny to me that kids play what they know. As I looked a little closer and was chuckling at their cleaver use of VCR tapes I realized something was unusual about the way the animals were placed.

Can you see it? Yep Mark my serious Mr. Real has all the bulls lined up behind the cows. Of course each is breed specific he was very clear in his request a few years ago that he had proper pure breeding going on and need a Holstein bull and a red cow do go with his long horn bull.

It's not the birds and the bees here it is the bulls and cows and hens and chickens. It's all very front and center. We were reviewing the primary lessons Sunday, the ten commandments, and of course what is adultry? Greg started it so I let him finish it, he has skipped the TALK wiht the kids here so it was humorous to watch him figure out how to make it appropriate and yet understandable.
kid- "Why isn't it okay to sleep with your brother?"
mom- "Well it's not sleeping...with your brother right now it's okay..."
kid- "Well then what are they doing that's wrong..."
teen- "Ohhhh -eyes wide- I get it.!!"
I couldn't capture the delighted smile on Millie's face as she made it her way.

Ahh killer cyclone or disease all animals dead or playing dead at the presence of predators :)

Well the little girls are not up to speed on the farm life and just enjoy playing or making a mess to get a reaction from the older kids. Or just need a larger access than the small alleys they are left. Oh well. I'm sure it will show up and come up again. We are all over Reality learning here. Best to you today.

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