Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6.11.14 Just a little Something Extra

About a month ago we were asked to meet with our bishop. He said he had been putting it off for months but he just had to do it after repeated confirmations. He asked me to be our ward's relief society president. Yep I felt kinda like this
But honestly I was kind of excited too. I mean I really like the people in my ward and I love visiting others and I have often wondered if I would ever get a chance, because I am obviously busy with family stuff. Not coveting or seeking just wondering. So when he asked I thought back to when he said he received the impression to call me. It was one of the worst weekends of my life. Stake conference- the weekend of the UTI and the clothes shopping and the personal mental crash into a pity party. I thought that was a very interesting parallel.

After stewing for a month it was announced and voted on on Sunday. I was honestly really worried people wouldn't vote for me. They did I guess, I didn't turn around. We sit in a front pew. I didn't hear a lot of gasping but have received a lot of condolences with some congratulations. I guess what do you really say? Some very kind offers of doing anything to help and some ha-ha as if you didn't have enough to do. Yes I have pondered all these things in my waiting time. I'm not a good waiter. I don't like anticipating I like to face it and figure it out.

With that month I attempted to teach my kids more cooking skills and recipes. Anna has mastered cookies, Aliza potatoes, and a few other things oh Harold is the Krustez pancake King.... hmmm. I'm excited to do this. I'm excited to get to know people more and to be more in tune with their needs. I'm excited to teach my children to care and serve and think bigger than them and right now. And it's been good to study with purpose and receive direction in so directly.

So while I of course would rather sit and read like my kids do. I'm thankful to be given a chance to grow and stretch some more. To learn more from others and to help chart my course from the good and hard I see. 
Results of mom on the phone for lots of hours little finishing of chores but lots of projects!

Waiting for his squishy white bread pbj sandwhich. Aliza loves sliced bread. Must admit it is the handiest thing!

Library Day today. Love that they are so engrossed. Bad that not much else happens. Win some you loose some.

So as I keep reassuring everyone, maybe myself most of all, I can do this. I will do this. It's going to be different and obviously some things are going to have to go. Christ counseled Martha to choose the better part. Caring for others has been a conscience choice Greg and I made a LONG time ago. So my floors aren't perfect and my windows are smudged but we eat- anything we can find-
Reed was sharing the M & M's out of the trail mix with his sisters while I worked the phones and texts.
Self-reliance is a good thing. :) And I'm thankful, I think, to have two phones and a computer to text, talk, email, and the like simultaneously. It's all good. So far I have taken the time to snuggle my kids and to take care of me and so if I can keep things in order and not loose my focus or deliberate actions it will be a good time. I pray to share the compassion and love of Christ with the sisters and help them to know their worth as literal Daughters of God. Those two key witnesses make all the difference in how we live, control, and maintain our lives.
Good night. Time to rest.

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