Thursday, June 5, 2014

6.5.14 Growing up

The kiddos are growing up. Phew and sad. I never thought I would miss those days of isolation and frustration and crying. Lots of crying. But I do. I sorted through the clothes boxes and it was so hard to get rid of clothes how vividly I remembered Aliza dressed up in this dress or those shorts, or Harold in that outfit. I felt like I was throwing away their childhood. It was very emotional, but I do feel better knowing we are a bit less cluttered. Aliza and I were attempting the 40 day challenge found HERE

But it is fun to watch them become the big kid in the pictures and to get to know them again each summer. To be surprised at their growth and their developing personalities, to find as they grow that the basic personality is not changing just finding better, more complicated or contrived ways to express itself. Same as it was before being born and probably part of their immortal existence.
My poser. It's always interesting to see what pictures I find of Addie on my phone.

Her preferred way to eat. She likes to show me she is big and can do things her way. I know I know!

My strong willed wild children. Life is good when it is their way. Life is crabby when mom tries to interfere.

Reed helping dad and uncle Kevin. He is getting to be a big strong, reliable boy. He's a joy to have in our home.

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