Monday, June 30, 2014

6.30.14 Harold

He's showing glimmers of greatness every so often this summer. He loved to make the Krustez pancakes, the bag ran out and I'm having a real moral struggle as to whether to buy more or not. He would whip up enough for our crowd in a few minutes. The cakes were all happily consumed by his siblings, quickly.

Yep even store bought high fructose corn syrup to pour on top. Fuel for hard working kiddos. Actually the pride and accomplishment on his face is the main reason I would consider it again. Might have to compromise and let him use white flour in making homemade mix. Dilemma's might they all be so small.

-- I'm a whole wheat grind it and make it kind of cook as a general rule, but as the kids get bigger, hungrier all the time and my presence is stretched into other places it's becoming more of a nice thought than a hard rule.-- 

He also surprised me by taking to the new piano book I bought as a last hope of getting them to practice this summer. He sat right down and got to figuring out the notes and now has three pages pretty good of the 5 page Go the Distance from Hercules. Wow! He loves different and audiences and the promise of practicing on Grandma's concert grand piano has really made him try. So interesting what will make him go. He's a fun quiet kid who is very talented at making things, loves babies, and has a smile that lights up the room, he's the resident muscles at our house my go to guy that does the heavy lifting and fixing things. I'm so thankful he's in my family.


  1. You could teach him to make my buttermilk syrup recipe.

  2. 1 1/2cup sugar
    3/4 cup buttermilk
    1stick of butter
    2 tbls corn syrup
    Bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Add 1/2 tsp baking soda
    2 tsp. vanilla
    Make in a large sauce pan. It will expand. Keep in the fridge.

    1. Thanks Angie that is a favorite here as well. My other son prefers to just eat it with a spoon, or as a banana dip, or on his finger or just drinking it. It's just good. :) Best to you.
